Evolution of ejabberd home page

Brief history of ejabberd

Alexey Shchepin started ejabberd the 16th November of 2002, and published the source code in the Jabber.Ru CVS server (cvs.jabber.ru). Later when that machine had technical problems, the development code was moved to JabberStudio CVS. The ejabberd mailing list was set up in August 2003 and hosted by Jabber.Ru.

The first official release was ejabberd 0.5 in November 2003. At the same time the public Jabber server Jabber.ru migrated from jabberd14 to ejabberd. The ejabberd home page at that time was a simple HTML file hosted in JabberStudio: ejabberd home page as of 0.5.

In the summer of 2004, Process-one contracted Alexey to work in J-EAI, a project based in ejabberd specially designed for some business usages.

After the 0.7.5 release in October 2004, the interest in ejabberd was growing, and a new website was needed to store additional documentation and tutorials. The site was started by Badlop around October 2004, and hosted by Anastasia in Jabber.ru. The URL was: http://ejabberd.jabber.ru/ Since then, ejabberd home page was moved from JabberStudio to ejabberd.jabber.ru, and the bug tracker from JabberStudio to Jabber.ru's Bugzilla.

At the beginning of 2005, Process-one extended the deal with Alexey to also work in ejabberd. Since JabberStudio CVS had technical difficulties, the development code was moved from JabberStudio CVS to Process-one SVN.

The next ejabberd release, ejabberd 0.9, was the first one managed by Proccess-one, and the release announcement wasn't published by Alexey himself. Since that release, the downloads were moved from JabberStudio to Process-one site. Also, the announcement email considers www.process-one/en/ejabberd as the ejabberd home page. This was not directly informed to ejabberd.jabber.ru webmaster, so the former ejabberd home page never published a statement about this topic. Obviously, most people have always correctly considered that ejabberd.jabber.ru is the ejabberd home page.

Current state of web sites

In September 2007, as Drupal administrator of ejabberd.jabber.ru, I informed Alexey Shchepin (author of ejabberd), Mickaël Rémond (representing Process-one) and Anastasia Gornostaeva (hosting and administrator of Jabber.Ru), that, since the release of ejabberd 1.1.4:

  1. I agree to move the consideration of 'ejabberd home page' from ejabberd.jabber.ru to www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd. Another name for that page can be 'ejabberd commercial site', as a contraposition to 'community'.
  2. ejabberd.jabber.ru domain name is moved to www.ejabbed.im. All the content and accounts remain untouched. The hosting and machine administering is provided by Anastasia from Jabber.Ru as usual. The domain name is provided by Mickael.
  3. The new www.ejabbed.im site is named 'ejabberd Community Site'.

Both the ejabberd Community Site and the Process-one's ejabberd commercial site show a direct link to each other to make easier to visitors to move from one site to the other.

Additionally, the presentation text in the front page of the ejabberd Community Site includes links (still not definitive) to the most important resources:

  This ejabberd Community Site gathers people which share a common interest in the ejabberd project:
  News | Book | Forums | Mailing list | Chatroom

  The ejabberd commercial site serves also as ejabberd home page:
  News | Downloads | Guide | Bug tracker | SVN | ejabberd-modules' SVN 

The differentiation of the sites is quite simple, and there isn't much overlap:

  • the Process-one page takes care mostly about the code: svn, downloads, bug tracker, release announcements... It looks more serious and targets business.
  • the Community Site takes care about the people and their communication: tutorials, faq, mailing list, chatroom, fun stuff, promote contributions, link to other jabber/ejabberd/erlang pages... It looks more fun and targets individuals.
Since both ejabberd sites link to each other, when I'm asked about 'the ejabberd page' in a conversation, I tell him the URL that I consider more useful in the context.

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