Install MSN Transport - Step two and Three

This tutorial explains how you can install MSN Transport, using jabberd, a script, and a configuration file.

  1. Common Instructions for all Transports

    The instructions in this section are common for all transports. Hence, you do not have to repeat them for every transport installation. If you did not yet completed this step, go to Install Obsolete Transports Using jabberd - Step one.

  2. Install MSN Transport

    1. Install the prerequisite libcurl3-dev:
      apt-get install libcurl3-dev
    2. Download the latest stable release of the MSN Transport:
      wget -p \
      -O msn-transport-1.3.0.tar.gz
    3. Extract the source:
      tar zxvf msn-transport-1.3.0.tar.gz
    4. Enter the extracted directory:
      cd msn-transport-1.3.0
    5. Compile MSN Transport. It is important to replace "FULLPATH" with the full path to the directory that contains "jabberd-" (see step one):
      ./configure --with-jabberd=FULLPATH/jabberd- && make
    6. Copy the transport module to /usr/local/lib/jabber/:
      cp src/ /usr/local/lib/jabber/
  3. Configure MSN Transport

    1. Create a symbolic link:
      ln -s /usr/local/sbin/jabberd /usr/local/sbin/jabberd-msn-transport
    2. Drop this transport configuration file for MSN Transport in /etc/jabber/:
      wget -p \
      -O /etc/jabber/msn-transport.xml
    3. Edit the configuration file in your favourite text editor and change at least next values in capital letters:
    4. Put this init script for MSN Transport in the directory /etc/init.d/jabber/:
      wget -p \
      -O /etc/init.d/jabber/msn-transport
    5. Change permissions of this script:
      chmod 755 /etc/init.d/jabber/msn-transport
    6. Add an entry for the MSN Transport in the "Listened ports" section of your ejabberd configuration file (also described in the ejabberd Installation and Operation Guide):
      {5235, ejabberd_service, [{host, "msn.SERVER.COM",
                                   [{password, "SECRET"}]}]},

      Do not forget to change the values in capitals; they need to match to what you specified in msn-transport.xml.

      Remark: No comma needed when it is the last entry. However, all entries before the last one need a comma!

    7. Restart ejabberd to reload the configuration:
      /etc/init.d/ejabberd restart
    8. Start the transport:
      /etc/init.d/jabber/msn-transport start
    9. If all goes well, the transport should be visible now when discovering your server with a Jabber client. :-)
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