(Code 401) every second message with pyicqt


I've setup my first ejabberd server jsut the other day and so far everything seemed to work.
I have then installed the icq transport with pyicqt and this seemed to work aswell.
But when I'm sending messages only about 50% of them get through, while the other 50% give me a "[...] Error. You must log into the transport before sending messages. (Code 401)"
The messages sent to me seem to always make it, so it's only a problem with sending them.

Since I can't find anything helpful (at least not for me) in the log files (neither ejabberd.log, nor pyicqt.log), I'm a little lost on how to approach the problem.

The only thing I found so far after increasing the verbosity of ejabberd is attached below, where I first sent the message "nachricht", which went through, and afterwards the message "fehler", which got lost, to the icq transport.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance,

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:02 ===
D(<0.370.0>:ejabberd_receiver:320) : Received XML on stream = "<message type='chat' id='purple63033181' to='icq.my.server.com'><active xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'/><body>nachricht</body></message>"

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:02 ===
D(<0.371.0>:ejabberd_router:313) : route
        from {jid,"user","my.server.com","Desktop","user",
        to {jid,[],"icq.my.server.com",[],[],
        packet {xmlelement,"message",

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:02 ===
D(<0.370.0>:ejabberd_receiver:320) : Received XML on stream = "<message type='chat' id='purple63033182' to='icq.my.server.com'><active xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'/></message>"

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:02 ===
D(<0.371.0>:ejabberd_router:313) : route
        from {jid,"user","my.server.com","Desktop","user",
        to {jid,[],"icq.my.server.com",[],[],
        packet {xmlelement,"message",

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:06 ===
D(<0.370.0>:ejabberd_receiver:320) : Received XML on stream = "<message type='chat' id='purple63033183' to='icq.my.server.com'><composing xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'/></message>"

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:06 ===
D(<0.371.0>:ejabberd_router:313) : route
        from {jid,"user","my.server.com","Desktop","user",
        to {jid,[],"icq.my.server.com",[],[],
        packet {xmlelement,"message",

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.370.0>:ejabberd_receiver:320) : Received XML on stream = "<message type='chat' id='purple63033184' to='icq.my.server.com'><active xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'/><body>fehler</body></message>"

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.371.0>:ejabberd_router:313) : route
        from {jid,"user","my.server.com","Desktop","user",
        to {jid,[],"icq.my.server.com",[],[],
        packet {xmlelement,"message",

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.366.0>:ejabberd_receiver:320) : Received XML on stream = "<message to='user@my.server.com/Desktop' from='icq.my.server.com' type='error'><error code='401' type='auth'><not-authorized xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/><text xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'>Error. You must log into the transport before sending messages.</text></error><body>fehler</body></message>"

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.366.0>:shaper:61) : State: {maxrate,50000,105.91206580485849,
                                    1376918691394115}, Size=346
M=3.463668442800401, I=16096.77

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.367.0>:ejabberd_router:313) : route
        from {jid,[],"icq.my.server.com",[],[],
        to {jid,"user","my.server.com","Desktop","user",
        packet {xmlelement,"message",
                                  <<"Error. You must log into the transport before sending messages.">>}]}]},

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.367.0>:ejabberd_local:300) : local route
        from {jid,[],"icq.my.server.com",[],[],
        to {jid,"user","my.server.com","Desktop","user",
        packet {xmlelement,"message",

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.367.0>:ejabberd_sm:411) : session manager
        from {jid,[],"icq.my.server.com",[],[],
        to {jid,"user","my.server.com","Desktop","user",
        packet {xmlelement,"message",

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.367.0>:ejabberd_sm:510) : sending to process <0.371.0>

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.371.0>:ejabberd_c2s:1553) : Send XML on stream = <<"<message from='icq.my.server.com' to='user@my.server.com/Desktop' type='error'><error code='401' type='auth'><not-authorized xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/><text xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'>Error. You must log into the transport before sending messages.</text></error><body>fehler</body></message>">>

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.370.0>:ejabberd_receiver:320) : Received XML on stream = "<message type='chat' id='purple63033185' to='icq.my.server.com'><active xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates'/></message>"

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-08-19 13:25:07 ===
D(<0.371.0>:ejabberd_router:313) : route
        from {jid,"user","my.server.com","Desktop","user",
        to {jid,[],"icq.my.server.com",[],[],
        packet {xmlelement,"message",

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