Client login error -- Impossible to list registered users

Hi, I've installed ejabberd (debian wheezy, x86, hosted by vmware), I can access admin web page.

I added some users using "ejabberdctl register" command. But, when I try to connect from jitsi client on windows, I got an connection error.

If i run the command "ejabberdctl registered_users", i got this error :

Problem 'error {case_clause,
                                [{file,"rpc.erl"},{line,203}]}]}}}' occurred executing the command.
Stacktrace: [{ejabberd_ctl,call_command,3,

Thanks for your help :)

Strange. If you run the

Strange. If you run the command without arguments, you should get an error explanation:

$ ejabberdctl registered_users

Error: the command "registered_users" requires 1 more argument.

  Command Name: registered_users

  Arguments: host::binary
  Returns: users::[ username::string ]

  Tags:  accounts

  Description:  List all registered users in HOST

  Note: This command cannot be executed using ejabberdctl. Try ejabberd_xmlrpc.

Error: the command "registered_users" requires 1 more argument.

$ ejabberdctl registered_users localhost
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