mod_muc_log error

Hi all!

I'm trying to set up muc logging, but there is error in logs, which says something like log file path concatenation error. I've tried different paths and changed configs, but no success.

Error mssage:

2014-05-12 15:31:09.885 [error] <0.366.0>@mod_muc_log:handle_cast:204 {function_clause,[{filename,join,[[]],[{file,"filename.erl"},{line,392}]},{mod_muc_log,fjoin,1,[{file,"src/mod_muc_log.erl"},{line,1245}]},{mod_muc_log,make_dir_rec,1,[{file,"src/mod_muc_log.erl"},{line,575}]},{mod_muc_log,make_dir_rec,1,[{file,"src/mod_muc_log.erl"},{line,575}]},{mod_muc_log,add_message_to_log,5,[{file,"src/mod_muc_log.erl"},{line,396}]},{mod_muc_log,handle_cast,2,[{file,"src/mod_muc_log.erl"},{line,203}]},{gen_server,handle_msg,5,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,599}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]}

mod_muc_log config:

542   mod_muc_log:
543     access_admin: muc_admin
544     access_create: muc
545     access_log: muc
546     dirtype: plain
547     dirname: room_name
548     file_format: html
549     out_dir: "/srv/http/xmpp-logs/"
550     out_dir: "/var/log/ejabberd/chatlogs"
551     file_permissions:
552       mode: 644
553       group: 33
554     timezone: local

OS: Arch Linux
Package info:

Название              : ejabberd
Версия                : 13.12-2
Описание              : Jabber server written in Erlang
Архитектура           : x86_64

First: you provide two times

First: you provide two times the out_dir option, which is not allowed: provide only one.
Second: the option is called outdir, not out_dir.
Third: there is a bug in ejabberd that is triggered when the option outdir isn't specified.

So, try with this and it will work:

    access_admin: muc_admin
    access_create: muc
    access_log: muc
    dirtype: plain
    dirname: room_name
    file_format: html
    outdir: "/srv/http/xmpp-logs/"
      mode: 644
      group: 33
    timezone: local
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