Mysql config problem

when i try to start ejabberd with mysql config it says this:

16:35:16.512 [critical] Node name mismatch: I'm [], the database is owned by [ejabberd@localhost]
16:35:16.512 [critical] Either set ERLANG_NODE in ejabberdctl.cfg or change node name in Mnesia
16:35:16.579 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.39.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: node_name_mismatch in ejabberd_app:db_init/0 line 120 in application_master:init/4 line 138
16:35:16.630 [info] Application ejabberd exited with reason: node_name_mismatch in ejabberd_app:db_init/0 line 120

What i can do ? :((

Two solutions: A) if your

Two solutions:

A) if your mnesia database has no important information (maybe you installed recently, and have no users...), then remove the Mnesia spool files (read in the Guide how to find those files). Start ejabberd again, and it should start correctly.

B) If you have important information in the Mnesia database, you can try to change the desired erlang node namein ejabberdctl.cfg

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