Can't start on Windows 7. ( No crashdump is written )

OS: Windows 7
Ejabberd Version: 2.1.5
Installed using the windows installer

I installed ejabberd and there is nothing in the install.log that seems to indicate that it wasn't succesfull.

But when I try to start it, it gives me a

Error occured...
Please check your configuration and your installation.
If you are an advanced user, you can check the logs to check what is going wrong.
The name of the current ejabberd node is ejabberd@localhost.

But there is nothing in the logs ( except for what the installation put there )

After reading in the forum I try "bash ejabberdctl live", which gives

Eshell V5.6.4  (abort with ^G)
=ERROR REPORT==== 17-Aug-2010::20:24:53 ===
Mnesia(ejabberd@localhost): ** ERROR ** (core dumped to file: "c:/Program Files/ejabberd-2.1.5/bin/MnesiaCore.ejabberd@localhost_1282_69493_415000")
** FATAL ** Log file exists: "c:/Program Files/ejabberd-2.1.5/bin/../database/ejabberd@localhost/LATEST.LOG"
=ERROR REPORT==== 17-Aug-2010::20:25:03 ===
** Generic server mnesia_monitor terminating
** Last message in was {'EXIT',<0.65.0>,killed}
** When Server state == {state,<0.65.0>,[],[],true,[],undefined,[]}
** Reason for termination ==
** killed
=ERROR REPORT==== 17-Aug-2010::20:25:03 ===
** Generic server mnesia_recover terminating
** Last message in was {'EXIT',<0.65.0>,killed}
** When Server state == {state,<0.65.0>,undefined,undefined,undefined,0,true,
** Reason for termination ==
** killed
=ERROR REPORT==== 17-Aug-2010::20:25:03 ===
Mnesia(ejabberd@localhost): ** ERROR ** mnesia_event got unexpected event: {'EXIT',
=INFO REPORT==== 17-Aug-2010::20:25:03 ===
    application: mnesia
    exited: {killed,{mnesia_sup,start,[normal,[]]}}
    type: permanent
(ejabberd@localhost)1> {"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,mnesia,{killed,{mnesia_sup,start,[normal,[]]}}}"}

Crash dump was written to: ../logs/erl_crash_20100817-202447.dump
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,mnesia,{killed,{mnesia_sup,start,[normal,[]]}}})

So i try to look for the core file "core dumped to file: "c:/Program Files/ejabberd-2.1.5/bin/MnesiaCore.ejabberd@localhost_1282_69493_415000")"
But it's not there.

And the crash dump "Crash dump was written to: ../logs/erl_crash_20100817-202447.dump"
there is no such file in /logs/

Am I going crazy or is something very wrong?
Help please.

Can't start on Windows 7 - 64 bit

The solution above helped me. Thanks.

Start the program in

Start the program in administrator (Run as Administrator)

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