ejabberd - Comments for "LDAP auth failed" https://www.ejabberd.im/node/181 en Finally.... what? https://www.ejabberd.im/node/181#comment-479 <p>Did you do it?<br /> Does it run ok?</p> <p>I can't....</p> Tue, 24 May 2005 07:18:25 +0000 mamarin comment 479 at https://www.ejabberd.im That's sound interesting. I'l https://www.ejabberd.im/node/181#comment-377 <p>That's sound interesting. I'll try it.</p> <p>thanks,</p> Fri, 22 Apr 2005 11:08:37 +0000 antoniofcano comment 377 at https://www.ejabberd.im not in config, but maybe in the source code https://www.ejabberd.im/node/181#comment-374 <blockquote>I don't know if it is possible to set the Timeout in config file, then ever try to get the LDAP an ejabberd in the same machine (or network).</blockquote> <p>Not in configuration file, but on ejabberd/src/eldap/eldap.erl there are three values that sound interesting: <pre>-define(RETRY_TIMEOUT, 5000). -define(BIND_TIMEOUT, 10000). -define(CMD_TIMEOUT, 5000).</pre> </p> <p>You can modify them, recompile and check if they help or not.</p> Thu, 21 Apr 2005 21:46:34 +0000 mfoss comment 374 at https://www.ejabberd.im Finally https://www.ejabberd.im/node/181#comment-372 <p>Hello all,</p> <p>I've got good news :D finally I sit, calm down and start for the first.</p> <p>My errors were:<br /> 1) Timeout with the LDAP server.<br /> 2) Fixed first, i see that secret were not correct, ups!!<br /> 3) And finally, the client doesn't send the password in Plain Text.</p> <p>Now it works great. For getting ejabberd working with LDAP authentication we only have to install ejabberd (last version works fine) and set the config in that way:<br /> {auth_method, ldap}.<br /> {ldap_servers, ["server-ip"]}. % List of LDAP servers<br /> {ldap_uidattr, "uid"}. % LDAP attribute that holds user ID<br /> {ldap_base, "ou=people,dc=ikusnet,dc=net"}. % Base of LDAP directory<br /> {ldap_rootdn, "cn=admin,dc=ikusnet,dc=net"}.<br /> {ldap_password, "admin-ldap-password"}.</p> <p>I don't know if it is possible to set the Timeout in config file, then ever try to get the LDAP an ejabberd in the same machine (or network).</p> <p>Regards</p> Thu, 21 Apr 2005 19:47:15 +0000 antoniofcano comment 372 at https://www.ejabberd.im Ldap progress slowly but still no runs https://www.ejabberd.im/node/181#comment-368 <p>Hi all,</p> <p>I've got one answer for the question of debug messages. It doesn't appear because are into the wrong place, if I couldn't find the user in the ldap the case goes to false and doesn't show the Debug information.</p> <p>Then I make the next change:<br /> find_user_dn(User) -&gt;<br /> Attr = ejabberd_config:get_local_option(ldap_uidattr),<br /> Filter = eldap:equalityMatch(Attr, User),<br /> Base = ejabberd_config:get_local_option(ldap_base),<br /> case eldap:search("ejabberd", [{base, Base},<br /> {filter, Filter},<br /> {attributes, []}]) of<br /> #eldap_search_result{entries = [E | _]} -&gt;<br /> E#eldap_entry.object_name;<br /> _ -&gt;<br /> Atrib = E#eldap_entry.attributes,<br /> io:format("LDAP query ~s~n", [Atrib]),<br /> false<br /> end.</p> <p>But when go to make it told me that variable 'E' is unbound. How can I debug it for finding the error.</p> <p>I also show in one post of mailing-list that in V0.9 are two new params the ldap_rootdn y ldap_password. Now my ejabberd config for ldap is:</p> <p>{auth_method, ldap}.<br /> {ldap_servers, ["server-ip"]}. % List of LDAP servers<br /> {ldap_uidattr, "uid"}. % LDAP attribute that holds user ID<br /> {ldap_base, "ou=people,dc=ikusnet,dc=net"}. % Base of LDAP directory<br /> {ldap_rootdn, "cn=admin,dc=ikusnet,dc=net"}.<br /> {ldap_password, "admin-ldap-password"}.</p> <p>But it still failed authenticate, What is the base password field for jabber users into ldap?</p> <p>Kind regards,</p> Thu, 21 Apr 2005 08:57:57 +0000 antoniofcano comment 368 at https://www.ejabberd.im