ejabberd - Comments for "Unable to get presence of registered users" https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/25085/unable-get-presence-registered-users en It is the intended https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/25085/unable-get-presence-registered-users#comment-66070 <p>It is the intended behaviour:</p> <p>You delete the user: his data are deleted, including contact list (roster).<br /> When you recreate it, you need to approve again contact that can see his presence (because contact list was deleted).<br /> For privacy reason, deleting a user obviously need to trigger deletion of his other data.</p> <p>The fact that data is in database log for a while does not mean it is not deleted.</p> <p>Anyway, if you delete a user, you need to have him add contact again and recreate roster so that you get presence properly.</p> Tue, 08 Sep 2015 07:28:49 +0000 mremond comment 66070 at https://www.ejabberd.im