ejabberd - Comments for "How to view live packets/presence changes" https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/25216/how-view-live-packetspresence-changes en Ideas: A) Configure loglevel https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/25216/how-view-live-packetspresence-changes#comment-66265 <p>Ideas:<br /> A) Configure loglevel to debug, then start ejabberd in live mode. But that will report so many log lines that it's unusable.</p> <p>B) In your desktop machine, install a desktop Jabber client like Psi, Gajim, Tkabber... They have something called "Jabber Console", or "XMPP shell"... that show incoming and outgoing XMPP stanzas.</p> <p>C) In your desktop or server machine, install a TCP traffic sniffer like Ethereal or Wireshark, Tcpflow, and configure to spy the port 5222.</p> Mon, 26 Oct 2015 11:13:18 +0000 badlop comment 66265 at https://www.ejabberd.im