ejabberd - Comments for "mod_http_upload behind nginx reverse proxy" https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/28598/modhttpupload-behind-nginx-reverse-proxy en I've hit the same error with https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/28598/modhttpupload-behind-nginx-reverse-proxy#comment-67315 <p>I've hit the same error with Apache mod_proxy.<br /> But I've found a solution: I made sure the path was the same.</p> <p>Try the following:</p> <p>-<br /> port: 1234<br /> request_handlers:<br /> […]<br /> "/ejabberd/customuploaddir": mod_http_upload</p> <p>mod_http_upload:<br /> […]<br /> put_url: "https://domain.example/ejabberd/customuploaddir"</p> <p>And keep the prefix in NGinx.<br /> Apache config would go like this:</p> <p>ProxyPass /ejabberd/ <noindex><a href="http://localhost:1234/ejabberd/" title="http://localhost:1234/ejabberd/" rel="nofollow" >http://localhost:1234/ejabberd/</a></noindex><br /> ProxyPassReverse /ejabberd/ <noindex><a href="http://localhost:1234/ejabberd/" title="http://localhost:1234/ejabberd/" rel="nofollow" >http://localhost:1234/ejabberd/</a></noindex></p> <p>I think it also work if you get rid of the prefix everywhere.<br /> Because I'm not sure the other features (http_bind, register, admin, captcha, ...) will work with that prefix.<br /> I'm considering to use a "sub-vhost", like ejabberd.domain.example.com to proxy without prefix.<br /> But it is usually less convenient...</p> Thu, 09 Feb 2017 13:01:54 +0000 bendon comment 67315 at https://www.ejabberd.im