ejabberd - Comments for "ejabberd wont start on windows installations" https://www.ejabberd.im/node/2860 en Getting ejabberd working in Parallels (windows) https://www.ejabberd.im/node/2860#comment-53371 <p>After hacking away at this I finally got it working. Most likely these steps could be simplified but hopefully this can shed some light as to why Parallels has an issue with ejabberd:</p> <p>1. Install ejabberd on a seperate dedicated system (XP or 2003). Make sure it works.</p> <p>2. Install ejabberd in the Parallels VPS (i.e. container) - ignore errors or the fact that it doesn't start. Just make sure the install directory from your dedicated install are exactly the same from Step #1.</p> <p>3. Make sure ejabberd processes are not running in the container. Kill the processes using task manager - make sure you select to Show Process from All Users. Just kill the erlang process and that should kill the processes. Just to be safe, make sure ejabberd is not a registered service*.</p> <p>4. Copy the ejabberd installation from the working dedicated server to the container. Replace the entire contents where ejabberd is installed.</p> <p>5. Open a command prompt and run the following command (taken from the postinstall.bat) in the bin directory where ejabberd is installed:</p> <p>erlsrv add ejabberd -sname ejabberd-srv@localhost -w "C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.1\bin" -ar "-s win_service" -st "win_service:stop()."</p> <p>7. Run the file manual.vbs and you will get a registry error. Look in the registry and you will see that there is an extra folder before the Ericsson folder. Note this folder down and add that to the registry path inside the manual.vbs. Re-run manual.vbs</p> <p>8. Start the ejabberd Windows service. Don't use the desktop icon.</p> <p>9. Open a browser to <noindex><a href="http://localhost:5280/admin" title="http://localhost:5280/admin" rel="nofollow" >http://localhost:5280/admin</a></noindex> and login with the credentials you set during the original installation.</p> <p>Everything should be working now and clients should be able to connect. You can also do a NETSTAT -AN at the command prompt to validate port 5222 and 5280 are open.</p> <p>*Note: if you need to remove the service you can use the following command: erlsrv remove ejabberd</p> Wed, 02 Jul 2008 14:10:47 +0000 moze comment 53371 at https://www.ejabberd.im Summary: * I don't know https://www.ejabberd.im/node/2860#comment-51981 <blockquote><p> Summary:</p> <p> * I don't know why ejabberd crashed during the initial start at installation time. </p></blockquote> <p>No idea, but the same thing happens on my local vista machine...the online thing in common<br /> these two machines have is that I am doing the double clicking during the install. They<br /> are completely different (win2003server vs vista ultimate), on different networks (datacenter vs<br /> local network), different software, etc....weird</p> <blockquote><p> * The Jabber account for the admin was not created.<br /> * I don't know why ejabberd takes 5 minutes to start. Does this 5 minutes only happen when you start with 'Start ejabberd' icon? Does it also happen with 'ejabberd live'? </p></blockquote> <p>only happnens with the start.bat file with the live option it starts inmediately and then takes about 10 seconds from the moment it says "press any key to continue" until I can actually give it commands.</p> <p>I edited the start.bat file to remove the echo off command<br /> and then ran it again...the results dont say much, but it does seem to go through the whole thing.</p> <div class="codeblock"><code>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;start.bat<br />C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;echo Starting ejabberd...<br />Starting ejabberd...<br />C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;cd /D &quot;C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&quot;<br />C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;bash ./ejabberdctl start<br />C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;bash ./ejabberdctl started<br />C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;if errorlevel 1 goto error<br />C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler &quot;C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\doc\error.html&quot;<br />C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;</code></div> <p>the only insightful thing I can tell you from this experiment is that the 5 minutes it gets<br /> stuck happens right after running the "ejabberdctl startTED" line. Its something in there<br /> that its not liking. The erl process starts right away.</p> <blockquote><p> * You can create this Jabber account with any Jabber client: admin@localhost. This account probably has admin privilege in ejabberd.cfg. </p></blockquote> <p>I tried this using tkjabber client and indeed your asumption is correct. I created the admin account and then was able to log in through the browser. I was also able to create a couple of users and talk to each other using 2 instances of tkjabber client on the same machine... the did communicate but when I added one user to my roster I didnt get a popup or message on the other client asking for permission. That is probably something I have to configure.</p> <p>Do you think that if I got this far I should be safe and run this server? Or should I not risk it because of the weird behavior with the crashes, and errors with no corresponding error in the log?</p> <p>thanks again for all the help you are providing me, I really really really appreciate it.<br /> -guillermo<br /> PS.- could it be a permissions thing? could it be some folder or file does not have the correct permisssions? Maybe the server is not allowed to write somewhere and that is why the admin account is not being created? or maybe a windows service that should be running is not running?</p> Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:22:27 +0000 Anonymous comment 51981 at https://www.ejabberd.im Initial crash, manual start waiting, and create your admiaccount https://www.ejabberd.im/node/2860#comment-51980 <p>With all the detailed information you provided, I constructed this explanation:</p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>It installs fine, but on the last step of the installation it takes<br /> a long long time...but does install eventually. </p></div> <p>The installation process first copies files. Later it starts ejabberd, and tries to create the admin account. Then it stops ejabberd and finishes. It seems ejabberd crashed during this initial start.</p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>-------------------------------<br /> 3) a crash dump file called<br /> erl_crash_20080310-153313.dump </p></div> <p>This crash dump was generated by an ejabberd that was started at 15:33. If you look at the file time, it should say 15:33, or 15:34 or similar. I think this dump was generated by the initial ejabberd start. So, your admin account couldn't be created.</p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>Then I double click on the "start ejabberd" shortcut in the desktop.<br /> It opnes the console and says "starting ejabberd..." and then takes a very long time (about 5 minutes) until I get a response (the machine is a fast machine with 1GB of ram)</p> <p>The response is a web page that says:<br /> "<br /> Error occured...<br /> Please check your configuration and your installation.<br /> ...<br /> "</p> <p>2)sasl.log<br /> "<br /> ...<br /> =PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:49 ===<br /> application: ejabberd<br /> started_at: ejabberd@localhost<br /> " </p></div> <p>The first time you start ejabberd manually, it takes 5 minutes to show something, but it doesn't consume CPU, right? The logs indicate that ejabberd started correctly. I don't know why it took so much time to start, but at least it seems to start correctly.</p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>so then I tried running the commands you recommend, this is how that session went<br /> C:\&gt;telnet localhost 5222<br /> aaaaa<br /> &lt;?xml version='1.0'?&gt;</p> <p>Connection to host lost.</p> <p>C:\&gt; </p></div> <p>So, ejabberd is started correctly, and you can connect to it. In fact, ejabberd complains that 'aaaaa' is xml not well formed :)</p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>---------------------------------------<br /> then I tried the ejjaberctl live command</p> <p>and the session went like this</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;bash ./ejabberdctl live<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>IMPORTANT: ejabberd is going to start in LIVE (interactive) mode.<br /> All log messages will be shown in the command shell.<br /> You can interact with the ejabberd node if you know how to use it.<br /> Please be extremely cautious with your actions,<br /> and exit immediately if you are not completely sure.</p> <p>To exit this LIVE mode and stop ejabberd, press:<br /> q(). and press the Enter key</p> <p>Press any key to continue</p> <p>{error_logger,{{2008,3,10},{15,55,24}},"Protocol: ~p: register error: ~p~n",["inet_tcp",{{badmatch,{error,duplicate_name<br /> }},[{inet_tcp_dist,listen,1},{net_kernel,start_protos,4},{net_kernel,start_protos,3},{net_kernel,init_node,2},{net_kerne<br /> }"}</p> <p>Crash dump was written to: ../logs/erl_crash_20080310-155514.dump<br /> Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,kernel,{shutdown,{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}}}<br /> ) </p></div> <p>That's a normal error: ejabberd was already started, and then you tried to start it again, so the second ejabberd crashed and complained that it was already running (error, duplicate_name).</p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>I do have to mention that on a previous install this command did run and did run the simple commands such as 3+7. and ets:tab2list(config). this is the first time its doing this. </p></div> <p>As you already had ejabberd started, the second time you try to start it, it complains.</p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>the last line of sasl.log is</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:49 ===<br /> application: ejabberd<br /> started_at: ejabberd@localhost</p> <p>just like the one you mentioned. </p></div> <p>Those messages were written by the first ejabberd you started, which was started correctly.</p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>-------------------------------------<br /> I just realized that the erl process was running (there was no beam process) so I killed it and tried the ejabberctl command again...this are the results</p> <p>--------------------------------<br /> C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;bash ./ejabberdctl live<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>IMPORTANT: ejabberd is going to start in LIVE (interactive) mode.<br /> All log messages will be shown in the command shell.<br /> You can interact with the ejabberd node if you know how to use it.<br /> Please be extremely cautious with your actions,<br /> and exit immediately if you are not completely sure.</p> <p>To exit this LIVE mode and stop ejabberd, press:<br /> q(). and press the Enter key</p> <p>--------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Press any key to continue</p> <p>Eshell V5.5.5 (abort with ^G)<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::15:59:20 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.299.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:152) : pubsub init "localhost" [{access_createnode,<br /> pubsub_createnode},<br /> {plugins,<br /> ["default","pep"]}]<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::15:59:20 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.299.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:207) : ** tree plugin is nodetree_default<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::15:59:20 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.299.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:211) : ** init default plugin<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::15:59:20 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.299.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:211) : ** init pep plugin<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt; 5+7.<br /> 12<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)2&gt; ets:tab2list(config).<br /> [{config,language,"en"},<br /> {config,{access,c2s,global},[{deny,blocked},{allow,all}]},<br /> {config,{access,pubsub_createnode,global},[{allow,all}]},<br /> {config,{access,s2s_shaper,global},[{fast,all}]},<br /> {config,{access,c2s_shaper,global},[{none,admin},{normal,all}]},<br /> {config,hosts,["localhost"]},<br /> {config,{access,muc,global},[{allow,all}]},<br /> {config,{shaper,fast,global},{maxrate,50000}},<br /> {config,{access,max_user_sessions,global},[{10,all}]},<br /> {config,{access,configure,global},[{allow,admin}]},<br /> {config,{shaper,normal,global},{maxrate,1000}},<br /> {config,{access,muc_admin,global},[{allow,admin}]},<br /> {config,{access,announce,global},[{allow,admin}]},<br /> {config,{access,register,global},[{allow,all}]},<br /> {config,{access,local,global},[{allow,local}]}]<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)3&gt;<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)3&gt; q().<br /> ok<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)4&gt;<br /> C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;<br /> --------------------------------- </p></div> <p>This time you killed the first ejabberd. So now you didn't have any ejabberd running. When you tried to start ejabberd using the Live command, it started correctly, and you could play with it.</p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>I also tried using a browser to go to locaholst:5280/admin and I do get the http authentication windows but have not been able to log on with any of the combinations of username password (with @locahost and without for the username). </p></div> <p>So, at this time ejabberd was running correctly, because you can connect to him. And you tried to enter the web admin providing information of a Jabber account that doesn't exist: remember that the initial ejabberd crashed and the installation couldn't create an admin account.</p> <p>Summary:</p> <ul> <li>I don't know why ejabberd crashed during the initial start at installation time. </li><li>The Jabber account for the admin was not created. </li><li>I don't know why ejabberd takes 5 minutes to start. Does this 5 minutes only happen when you start with 'Start ejabberd' icon? Does it also happen with 'ejabberd live'? </li><li>You can create this Jabber account with any Jabber client: admin@localhost. This account probably has admin privilege in ejabberd.cfg. </li></ul> Wed, 12 Mar 2008 01:18:29 +0000 mfoss comment 51980 at https://www.ejabberd.im I wrote a lot of https://www.ejabberd.im/node/2860#comment-51973 <p>I wrote a lot of explanations and included all the info I coould....<br /> here it goes....and thanks in advance for all the help you are providing to me.<br /> I really appreciate it.</p> <p>I uninstalled, deleted the remaining folders and files, rebooted.<br /> I installed...chose "localhost" (in lowercase) as server name<br /> "admin" as user and "12345" as password.<br /> It installs fine, but on the last step of the installation it takes<br /> a long long time...but does install eventually.<br /> Then I double click on the "start ejabberd" shortcut in the desktop.<br /> It opnes the console and says "starting ejabberd..." and then takes a very long time (about 5 minutes) until I get a response (the machine is a fast machine with 1GB of ram)</p> <p>The response is a web page that says:<br /> "<br /> Error occured...<br /> Please check your configuration and your installation.<br /> If you are an advanced user, you can check the logs to check what is going wrong.<br /> The name of the current ejabberd node is ejabberd@localhost.<br /> For more informations, please go to the Process-one site or the ejabberd Community Site<br /> "</p> <p>in the logs directory there are 3 files</p> <p>-----------------------------------------------<br /> 1) ejabberd.log<br /> "<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 2008-03-10 12:40:49 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.302.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:152) : pubsub init "localhost" [{access_createnode,<br /> pubsub_createnode},<br /> {plugins,<br /> ["default","pep"]}]<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 2008-03-10 12:40:49 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.302.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:207) : ** tree plugin is nodetree_default</p> <p>=INFO REPORT==== 2008-03-10 12:40:49 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.302.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:211) : ** init default plugin</p> <p>=INFO REPORT==== 2008-03-10 12:40:49 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.302.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:211) : ** init pep plugin<br /> "<br /> ----------------------------------------------------<br /> 2)sasl.log<br /> "<br /> =PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.46.0&gt;},<br /> {name,alarm_handler},<br /> {mfa,{alarm_handler,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,2000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.47.0&gt;},<br /> {name,overload},<br /> {mfa,{overload,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,2000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.45.0&gt;},<br /> {name,sasl_safe_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {supervisor,<br /> start_link,<br /> [{local,sasl_safe_sup},sasl,safe]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.48.0&gt;},<br /> {name,release_handler},<br /> {mfa,{release_handler,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,2000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> application: sasl<br /> started_at: ejabberd@localhost</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.52.0&gt;},<br /> {name,disk_log_sup},<br /> {mfa,{disk_log_sup,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,1000},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.53.0&gt;},<br /> {name,disk_log_server},<br /> {mfa,{disk_log_server,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,2000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.66.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_event},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_sup,start_event,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,30000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_kernel_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.68.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_monitor},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_monitor,start,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,3000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_kernel_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.69.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_subscr},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_subscr,start,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,3000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_kernel_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.70.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_locker},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_locker,start,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,3000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_kernel_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.71.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_recover},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_recover,start,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,180000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.75.0&gt;},<br /> {name,dets_sup},<br /> {mfa,{dets_sup,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,1000},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:47 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.76.0&gt;},<br /> {name,dets},<br /> {mfa,{dets_server,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,2000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.85.0&gt;},<br /> {name,timer_server},<br /> {mfa,{timer,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,1000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_kernel_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.72.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_tm},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_tm,start,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,30000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_kernel_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.86.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_checkpoint_sup},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_checkpoint_sup,start,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_kernel_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.87.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_snmp_sup},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_snmp_sup,start,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_kernel_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.88.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_controller},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_controller,start,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,3000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_kernel_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.89.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_late_loader},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_late_loader,start,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,3000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,mnesia_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.67.0&gt;},<br /> {name,mnesia_kernel_sup},<br /> {mfa,{mnesia_kernel_sup,start,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> application: mnesia<br /> started_at: ejabberd@localhost</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,crypto_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.97.0&gt;},<br /> {name,crypto_server},<br /> {mfa,{crypto_server,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,2000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> application: crypto<br /> started_at: ejabberd@localhost</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.103.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ssl_server},<br /> {mfa,{ssl_server,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,2000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ssl_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.104.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ssl_broker_sup},<br /> {mfa,{ssl_broker_sup,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,2000},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> application: ssl<br /> started_at: ejabberd@localhost</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,stringprep_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.106.0&gt;},<br /> {name,stringprep},<br /> {mfa,{stringprep,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.154.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_hooks},<br /> {mfa,{ejabberd_hooks,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,kernel_safe_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.156.0&gt;},<br /> {name,pg2},<br /> {mfa,{pg2,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,1000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.155.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_node_groups},<br /> {mfa,{ejabberd_node_groups,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.157.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_system_monitor},<br /> {mfa,{ejabberd_system_monitor,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.158.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_router},<br /> {mfa,{ejabberd_router,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.164.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_sm},<br /> {mfa,{ejabberd_sm,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.178.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_s2s},<br /> {mfa,{ejabberd_s2s,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.184.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_local},<br /> {mfa,{ejabberd_local,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.189.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_receiver_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_receiver_sup,ejabberd_receiver]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.190.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_c2s_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_c2s_sup,ejabberd_c2s]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.191.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_s2s_in_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_s2s_in_sup,ejabberd_s2s_in]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.192.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_s2s_out_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_s2s_out_sup,ejabberd_s2s_out]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.193.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_service_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_service_sup,ejabberd_service]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.194.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_http_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_http_sup,ejabberd_http]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.195.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_http_poll_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_http_poll_sup,ejabberd_http_poll]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.196.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_iq_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_iq_sup,gen_iq_handler]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.197.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_frontend_socket_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_frontend_socket_sup,<br /> ejabberd_frontend_socket]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_listeners}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.199.0&gt;},<br /> {name,5222},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_listener,<br /> start,<br /> [5222,<br /> ejabberd_c2s,<br /> [{certfile,<br /> "C:\\Program Files\\ejabberd-2.0.0\\conf\\server.pem"},<br /> starttls,<br /> {access,c2s},<br /> {shaper,c2s_shaper},<br /> {max_stanza_size,65536}]]}},<br /> {restart_type,transient},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_listeners}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.200.0&gt;},<br /> {name,5269},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_listener,<br /> start,<br /> [5269,<br /> ejabberd_s2s_in,<br /> [{shaper,s2s_shaper},<br /> {max_stanza_size,131072}]]}},<br /> {restart_type,transient},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_listeners}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.201.0&gt;},<br /> {name,5280},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_listener,<br /> start,<br /> [5280,<br /> ejabberd_http,<br /> [http_bind,http_poll,web_admin]]}},<br /> {restart_type,transient},<br /> {shutdown,brutal_kill},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.198.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_listener},<br /> {mfa,{ejabberd_listener,start_link,[]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.223.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_mod_caps_localhost},<br /> {mfa,{mod_caps,start_link,["localhost",[]]}},<br /> {restart_type,transient},<br /> {shutdown,1000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.240.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_http_bind_sup},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_http_bind_sup,ejabberd_http_bind]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.241.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_mod_irc_sup_localhost},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_mod_irc_sup_localhost,<br /> mod_irc_connection]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.242.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_mod_irc_localhost},<br /> {mfa,{mod_irc,start_link,["localhost",[]]}},<br /> {restart_type,temporary},<br /> {shutdown,1000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.258.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_mod_muc_sup_localhost},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {ejabberd_tmp_sup,<br /> start_link,<br /> [ejabberd_mod_muc_sup_localhost,mod_muc_room]}},<br /> {restart_type,permanent},<br /> {shutdown,infinity},<br /> {child_type,supervisor}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:48 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.259.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_mod_muc_localhost},<br /> {mfa,{mod_muc,start_link,<br /> ["localhost",<br /> [{access,muc},<br /> {access_create,muc},<br /> {access_persistent,muc},<br /> {access_admin,muc_admin}]]}},<br /> {restart_type,temporary},<br /> {shutdown,1000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:49 ===<br /> supervisor: {local,ejabberd_sup}<br /> started: [{pid,&lt;0.302.0&gt;},<br /> {name,ejabberd_mod_pubsub_localhost},<br /> {mfa,<br /> {mod_pubsub,<br /> start_link,<br /> ["localhost",<br /> [{access_createnode,pubsub_createnode},<br /> {plugins,["default","pep"]}]]}},<br /> {restart_type,transient},<br /> {shutdown,1000},<br /> {child_type,worker}]</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:49 ===<br /> application: ejabberd<br /> started_at: ejabberd@localhost<br /> "<br /> -------------------------------<br /> 3) a crash dump file called<br /> erl_crash_20080310-153313.dump</p> <p>so then I tried running the commands you recommend, this is how that session went<br /> C:\&gt;telnet localhost 5222<br /> aaaaa<br /> &lt;?xml version='1.0'?&gt;</p> <p>Connection to host lost.</p> <p>C:\&gt;<br /> ---------------------------------------<br /> then I tried the ejjaberctl live command</p> <p>and the session went like this</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;bash ./ejabberdctl live<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>IMPORTANT: ejabberd is going to start in LIVE (interactive) mode.<br /> All log messages will be shown in the command shell.<br /> You can interact with the ejabberd node if you know how to use it.<br /> Please be extremely cautious with your actions,<br /> and exit immediately if you are not completely sure.</p> <p>To exit this LIVE mode and stop ejabberd, press:<br /> q(). and press the Enter key</p> <p>Press any key to continue</p> <p>{error_logger,{{2008,3,10},{15,55,24}},"Protocol: ~p: register error: ~p~n",["inet_tcp",{{badmatch,{error,duplicate_name<br /> }},[{inet_tcp_dist,listen,1},{net_kernel,start_protos,4},{net_kernel,start_protos,3},{net_kernel,init_node,2},{net_kerne<br /> l,init,1},{gen_server,init_it,6},{proc_lib,init_p,5}]}]}<br /> {error_logger,{{2008,3,10},{15,55,24}},crash_report,[[{pid,&lt;0.20.0&gt;},{registered_name,net_kernel},{error_info,{error,bad<br /> arg}},{initial_call,{gen,init_it,[gen_server,&lt;0.17.0&gt;,&lt;0.17.0&gt;,{local,net_kernel},net_kernel,{'ejabberd@localhost',short<br /> names,15000},[]]}},{ancestors,[net_sup,kernel_sup,&lt;0.8.0&gt;]},{messages,[]},{links,[#Port&lt;0.8&gt;,&lt;0.17.0&gt;]},{dictionary,[{lo<br /> ngnames,false}]},{trap_exit,true},{status,running},{heap_size,233},{stack_size,21},{reductions,459}],[]]}<br /> {error_logger,{{2008,3,10},{15,55,24}},supervisor_report,[{supervisor,{local,net_sup}},{errorContext,start_error},{reaso<br /> n,{'EXIT',nodistribution}},{offender,[{pid,undefined},{name,net_kernel},{mfa,{net_kernel,start_link,[['ejabberd@localhos<br /> t',shortnames]]}},{restart_type,permanent},{shutdown,2000},{child_type,worker}]}]}<br /> {error_logger,{{2008,3,10},{15,55,24}},supervisor_report,[{supervisor,{local,kernel_sup}},{errorContext,start_error},{re<br /> ason,shutdown},{offender,[{pid,undefined},{name,net_sup},{mfa,{erl_distribution,start_link,[]}},{restart_type,permanent}<br /> ,{shutdown,infinity},{child_type,supervisor}]}]}<br /> {error_logger,{{2008,3,10},{15,55,24}},crash_report,[[{pid,&lt;0.7.0&gt;},{registered_name,[]},{error_info,{shutdown,{kernel,s<br /> tart,[normal,[]]}}},{initial_call,{application_master,init,[&lt;0.5.0&gt;,&lt;0.6.0&gt;,{appl_data,kernel,[application_controller,er<br /> l_reply,auth,boot_server,code_server,disk_log_server,disk_log_sup,erl_prim_loader,error_logger,file_server_2,fixtable_se<br /> rver,global_group,global_name_server,heart,init,kernel_config,kernel_sup,net_kernel,net_sup,rex,user,os_server,ddll_serv<br /> er,erl_epmd,inet_db,pg2],undefined,{kernel,[]},[application,application_controller,application_master,application_starte<br /> r,auth,code,code_aux,packages,code_server,dist_util,erl_boot_server,erl_distribution,erl_prim_loader,erl_reply,erlang,er<br /> ror_handler,error_logger,file,file_server,file_io_server,prim_file,global,global_group,global_search,group,heart,hipe_un<br /> ified_loader,inet6_tcp,inet6_tcp_dist,inet6_udp,inet_config,inet_hosts,inet_gethost_native,inet_tcp_dist,init,kernel,ker<br /> nel_config,net,net_adm,net_kernel,os,ram_file,rpc,user,user_drv,user_sup,disk_log,disk_log_1,disk_log_server,disk_log_su<br /> p,dist_ac,erl_ddll,erl_epmd,erts_debug,gen_tcp,gen_udp,gen_sctp,prim_inet,inet,inet_db,inet_dns,inet_parse,inet_res,inet<br /> _tcp,inet_udp,inet_sctp,pg2,seq_trace,wrap_log_reader,zlib,otp_ring0],[],infinity,infinity},normal]}},{ancestors,[&lt;0.6.0<br /> &gt;]},{messages,[{'EXIT',&lt;0.8.0&gt;,normal}]},{links,[&lt;0.6.0&gt;,&lt;0.5.0&gt;]},{dictionary,[]},{trap_exit,true},{status,running},{he<br /> ap_size,987},{stack_size,21},{reductions,2063}],[]]}<br /> {error_logger,{{2008,3,10},{15,55,24}},std_info,[{application,kernel},{exited,{shutdown,{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}}},{ty<br /> pe,permanent}]}<br /> {"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,kernel,{shutdown,{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}}<br /> }"}</p> <p>Crash dump was written to: ../logs/erl_crash_20080310-155514.dump<br /> Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,kernel,{shutdown,{kernel,start,[normal,[]]}}}<br /> )</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;<br /> ---------------------------------------------</p> <p>I do have to mention that on a previous install this command did run and did run the simple commands such as 3+7. and ets:tab2list(config). this is the first time its doing this.</p> <p>the last line of sasl.log is</p> <p>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::12:40:49 ===<br /> application: ejabberd<br /> started_at: ejabberd@localhost</p> <p>just like the one you mentioned.</p> <p>-------------------------------------<br /> I just realized that the erl process was running (there was no beam process) so I killed it and tried the ejabberctl command again...this are the results</p> <p>--------------------------------<br /> C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;bash ./ejabberdctl live<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>IMPORTANT: ejabberd is going to start in LIVE (interactive) mode.<br /> All log messages will be shown in the command shell.<br /> You can interact with the ejabberd node if you know how to use it.<br /> Please be extremely cautious with your actions,<br /> and exit immediately if you are not completely sure.</p> <p>To exit this LIVE mode and stop ejabberd, press:<br /> q(). and press the Enter key</p> <p>--------------------------------------------------------------------<br /> Press any key to continue</p> <p>Eshell V5.5.5 (abort with ^G)<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::15:59:20 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.299.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:152) : pubsub init "localhost" [{access_createnode,<br /> pubsub_createnode},<br /> {plugins,<br /> ["default","pep"]}]<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::15:59:20 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.299.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:207) : ** tree plugin is nodetree_default<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::15:59:20 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.299.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:211) : ** init default plugin<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 10-Mar-2008::15:59:20 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.299.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:211) : ** init pep plugin<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt; 5+7.<br /> 12<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)2&gt; ets:tab2list(config).<br /> [{config,language,"en"},<br /> {config,{access,c2s,global},[{deny,blocked},{allow,all}]},<br /> {config,{access,pubsub_createnode,global},[{allow,all}]},<br /> {config,{access,s2s_shaper,global},[{fast,all}]},<br /> {config,{access,c2s_shaper,global},[{none,admin},{normal,all}]},<br /> {config,hosts,["localhost"]},<br /> {config,{access,muc,global},[{allow,all}]},<br /> {config,{shaper,fast,global},{maxrate,50000}},<br /> {config,{access,max_user_sessions,global},[{10,all}]},<br /> {config,{access,configure,global},[{allow,admin}]},<br /> {config,{shaper,normal,global},{maxrate,1000}},<br /> {config,{access,muc_admin,global},[{allow,admin}]},<br /> {config,{access,announce,global},[{allow,admin}]},<br /> {config,{access,register,global},[{allow,all}]},<br /> {config,{access,local,global},[{allow,local}]}]<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)3&gt;<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)3&gt; q().<br /> ok<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)4&gt;<br /> C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;<br /> ---------------------------------</p> <p>OK this all the information I have...I have tried this on the server which is a VPS running windows 2003 server under the virtuozzo control panel...I have also run it on my local machine which is a vista ultimate machine. They are on completely different networks (one machine is in the USA on a datacenter the other is local in my house). I get pretty much the same results on both. Each is running a completely different set of software, and neither had a firewall or an antivirus running during the testing.<br /> I also tried using a browser to go to locaholst:5280/admin and I do get the http authentication windows but have not been able to log on with any of the combinations of username password (with @locahost and without for the username).</p> <p>A CRY FOR HELP......ive been trying for two weeks now.</p> <p>thanks!<br /> -guillermo</p> Tue, 11 Mar 2008 00:09:09 +0000 guillermo comment 51973 at https://www.ejabberd.im I tried 2.0.0 with Windows Vista, and works https://www.ejabberd.im/node/2860#comment-51929 <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>Guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>I dont know if it listens to ports or not. How can I tell.</p></div> <p>I do a simple test: if the jabber host specified is 'localhost', I try this in a shell (maybe you can't do this in Windows...):</p> <pre>$ telnet localhost 5222 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. aaaaaaa &lt;?xml version='1.0'?&gt;Connection closed by foreign host.</pre><div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>Guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>I just tried running the ./ejabberddctl live command and it stopped right after<br /> ...<br /> now I dont know if its waiting for me to do something or if its already dead.</p></div> <p>Quite probably it started ejabberd, and is waiting for commands. For example you can try:</p> <pre>(ejabberd@localhost)1&gt; 55+12. 67 (ejabberd@localhost)2&gt; ets:tab2list(config). [{config,language,"en"}, {config,{access,c2s,global},[{deny,blocked},{allow,all}]}, {config,{access,pubsub_createnode,global},[{allow,all}]}, {config,{access,s2s_shaper,global},[{fast,all}]}, {config,{access,c2s_shaper,global}, [{none,admin},{normal,all}]}, {config,hosts,["localhost",""]}, {config,{access,announce,global},[{allow,admin}]}, {config,{access,register,global},[{allow,all}]}, {config,{access,local,global},[{allow,local}]}] </pre><div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>Guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>I do have all the crash dumps, can i email one to you so that maybe you can help me out? or can you tell me what to look for in them?</p></div> <p>I don't know how to interpret crash dumps.</p> <div class="quote-msg"> <div class="quote-author"><em>Guillermo</em> wrote:</div> <p>The server I am running on is a VPS under the Virtuozzo<br /> management console. I dont know if that makes a difference cause I also tried it<br /> on my local Vista Ultimate (both versions of ejjaberd) and they failed in exactly the<br /> same way.</p></div> <p>I've just downloaded ejabberd 2.0.0 windows installer, and installed it in Windows Vista Home Premium, no problem installing, no problem starting. The web browser opened telling me where to find log files, and how to login in the web admin. I could login in the web admin. There were two log files: ejabberd.log had similar content to yours. And sasl.log had a lot of PROGRESS REPORT.</p> <p>An idea: stop ejabberd, kill any process called 'beam', uninstall ejabberd, restart your machine, download the installer, install (put a very easy domain: localhost), start ejabberd. When the web browser opens with a page linking to log files, check if a file sasl.log was created, and the last lines are</p> <pre>=PROGRESS REPORT==== 4-Mar-2008::22:43:24 === application: ejabberd started_at: ejabberd@localhost</pre> Tue, 04 Mar 2008 22:09:42 +0000 mfoss comment 51929 at https://www.ejabberd.im I dont know if it listens to https://www.ejabberd.im/node/2860#comment-51891 <p>I dont know if it listens to ports or not. How can I tell. I did include all the files I found on the previous messages...that includes the log from one of the failed starts. I just tried running the ./ejabberddctl live command and it stopped right after<br /> -----------------------<br /> Eshell V5.5.5 (abort with ^G)<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 26-Feb-2008::16:43:01 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.295.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:152) : pubsub init "localhost" [{access_createnode,<br /> pubsub_createnode},<br /> {plugins,<br /> ["default","pep"]}]<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 26-Feb-2008::16:43:01 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.295.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:207) : ** tree plugin is nodetree_default<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 26-Feb-2008::16:43:01 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.295.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:211) : ** init default plugin<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> =INFO REPORT==== 26-Feb-2008::16:43:01 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.295.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:211) : ** init pep plugin<br /> (ejabberd@localhost)1&gt;<br /> -------------------------------<br /> now I dont know if its waiting for me to do something or if its already dead.<br /> I do have all the crash dumps, can i email one to you so that maybe you can help me out? or can you tell me what to look for in them?<br /> one more piece of data. The server I am running on is a VPS under the Virtuozzo<br /> management console. I dont know if that makes a difference cause I also tried it<br /> on my local Vista Ultimate (both versions of ejjaberd) and they failed in exactly the<br /> same way.<br /> thanks for any help you might provide.<br /> -guillermo</p> Wed, 27 Feb 2008 01:02:45 +0000 Guillermo comment 51891 at https://www.ejabberd.im So you tried both ejabberd https://www.ejabberd.im/node/2860#comment-51889 <p>So you tried both ejabberd 1.1.4 binary installer installer and the new 2.0.0? And you get the same result: it gets installed (more or less), the Erlang system starts but ejabberd doesn't listen to the ports.</p> <p>You should have ejabberd.log, or at least a file erl_crash.dump or similar.</p> <p>You can also try to start ejabberd manually to get some error message. Start the Bash shell (bash.exe) and then: ./ejabberdctl live</p> Tue, 26 Feb 2008 19:35:15 +0000 mfoss comment 51889 at https://www.ejabberd.im here are the results of the https://www.ejabberd.im/node/2860#comment-51855 <p>here are the results of the POSTINSTALL bat file.<br /> During installation I named the domain LOCALHOST in all caps.<br /> -----------------------------------------------<br /> C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;postinstall admin LOCALHOST 123456</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;rem @echo off</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;cd /D "C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin"</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;bash ./formatconfig.sh</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;rem Start ejabberd</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;bash ./ejabberdctl start</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;bash ./ejabberdctl started</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;if errorlevel 1 goto error</p> <p>C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;echo Cannot start ejabberd<br /> Cannot start ejabberd<br /> C:\Program Files\ejabberd-2.0.0\bin&gt;<br /> -----------------------------------------------<br /> here is the log<br /> -----------------------------------------------</p> <p>=INFO REPORT==== 2008-02-22 12:18:13 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.291.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:152) : pubsub init "localhost" [{access_createnode,<br /> pubsub_createnode},<br /> {plugins,<br /> ["default","pep"]}]</p> <p>=INFO REPORT==== 2008-02-22 12:18:13 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.291.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:207) : ** tree plugin is nodetree_default</p> <p>=INFO REPORT==== 2008-02-22 12:18:13 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.291.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:211) : ** init default plugin</p> <p>=INFO REPORT==== 2008-02-22 12:18:13 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.291.0&gt;:mod_pubsub:211) : ** init pep plugin</p> <p>=INFO REPORT==== 2008-02-22 12:31:54 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.254.0&gt;:ejabberd_listener:112) : (#Port&lt;0.374&gt;) Accepted connection {{127,0,0,1},1902} -&gt; {{127,0,0,1},5280}</p> <p>=INFO REPORT==== 2008-02-22 12:31:54 ===<br /> I(&lt;0.247.0&gt;:ejabberd_http:123) : started: {gen_tcp,#Port&lt;0.374&gt;}<br /> -----------------------------------</p> <p>any other info that I need to provide so that someone can help me out with this problem?<br /> thanks,<br /> -gk</p> Fri, 22 Feb 2008 21:36:05 +0000 GK comment 51855 at https://www.ejabberd.im