ejabberd - Comments for "Ejabberd privacy_set doesn&amp;#039;t save anything in mysql" https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/28683/ejabberd-privacyset-doesnt-save-anything-mysql en Try to see if this patch https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/28683/ejabberd-privacyset-doesnt-save-anything-mysql#comment-67323 <p>Try to see if this patch works:</p> <pre> diff --git a/src/mod_admin_extra.erl b/src/mod_admin_extra.erl index 472e9fb..165b6fd 100644 --- a/src/mod_admin_extra.erl +++ b/src/mod_admin_extra.erl @@ -1490,11 +1490,9 @@ privacy_set(Username, Host, QueryS) -&gt; QueryEl = fxml_stream:parse_element(QueryS), SubEl = xmpp:decode(QueryEl), IQ = #iq{type = set, id = &lt;&lt;"push"&gt;&gt;, sub_els = [SubEl], - from = From, to = To}, - ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(privacy_iq_set, - Host, - {error, xmpp:err_feature_not_implemented()}, - [IQ, #userlist{}]), + from = From, to = From}, + RR = mod_privacy:process_iq(IQ), + ?DEBUG("privacy_set result: ~n~p", [RR]), ok. %%% </pre><p>Then , in the call, use XEP-0016 queries, and provide only the query part, for example:</p> <pre> ejabberdctl privacy_set user1 localhost "&lt;query xmlns='jabber:iq:privacy'&gt;&lt;active name='i-am-visible-list'/&gt;&lt;/query&gt;" </pre> Fri, 10 Feb 2017 11:11:48 +0000 badlop comment 67323 at https://www.ejabberd.im Oh, the code in mod_privacy https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/28683/ejabberd-privacyset-doesnt-save-anything-mysql#comment-67320 <p>Oh, the code in mod_privacy in recent versions changed, and now that command cannot work, neither in SQL or Mnesia. I'll check if I can make it to work again in the next days.</p> Thu, 09 Feb 2017 17:08:49 +0000 badlop comment 67320 at https://www.ejabberd.im