ejabberd - Comments for "Ejabberd server restarts again and again..! " https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/28691/ejabberd-server-restarts-again-and-again en I don't see why the server https://www.ejabberd.im/forum/28691/ejabberd-server-restarts-again-and-again#comment-67336 <p>I don't see why the server would restart just for having that badmatch problem.</p> <p>That error means that in this function, in that line:<br /> [{mod_post_log,log_packet,3,[{file,"src/mod_post_log.erl"},{line,49}]}<br /> you have an assigment (a match) like<br /> a = b<br /> but obviously b doesn't match a.<br /> In your case the code may be more complicated, like:<br /> A=a,<br /> A=b,<br /> or:<br /> {ok, Value} = {xmlel, a, b, c}.</p> Thu, 23 Feb 2017 16:23:33 +0000 badlop comment 67336 at https://www.ejabberd.im