ejabberd - Comments for "Hardware Authentication" https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4004 en ejabberd doesn't implement a https://www.ejabberd.im/node/4004#comment-55598 <p>ejabberd doesn't implement a client-machine verification. Here are some alternative ideas.</p> <p>The XMPP client logins to ejabberd:<br /> 1. in the standard port number 5222<br /> 2. using the standard XMPP authentication mechanism<br /> 3. providing a valid username<br /> 4. providing a valid server name<br /> 5. providing the valid password.</p> <p>You can make login more complicated by:<br /> 1. move the ejabberd_c2s listener to a not standard port, like 2555<br /> 2. implement a custom auth mechanism both in ejabberd and in your clients<br /> 3. you can register a few accounts, tell the devices what account to use, and disable account registration in ejabberd<br /> 4. you can configure ejabberd to have {hosts, ["server123"]}. and then configure in the devices that server123 is associated to the IP address of the server machine.<br /> 5. implement a custom password verification system, where the passwords must be dynamically calculated both in ejabberd and the client machines, so only your devices are capable of providing a valid password.</p> <p>The easier to do is 1, 3, and 4.</p> Mon, 19 Apr 2010 09:34:45 +0000 mfoss comment 55598 at https://www.ejabberd.im