ejabberd 0.9 : virtual hosting and shared roster support

There's a new ejabberd version with virtual hosting and shared roster support:

Important comments:

  • On the web administration, you must use:
    • name: the full JID of an administrator on that Jabber server. You can give admin privileges to any Jabber account (on this Jabber server or any other) on ejabberd.cfg.
    • password: the password of that Jabber account.
  • If you upgrade from previous ejabberd, you must replace on your old ejabberd.cfg
    {host, "myjabber.mycompany.com"}.
    {hosts, ["myjabber.mycompany.com"]}.

Quick Shared Roster guide:

  1. To enable the module, add at the beginning of 'modules' section in your ejabberd.cfg:
    {mod_shared_roster, []},
  2. Restart ejabberd.
  3. Go to the Webadmin. If the module is correctly enabled there'll be a link 'Shared Roster'.
  4. Create a new group with identifier: test
  5. It will be added to the list of groups. Click on it.
  6. Here you will configure that group. Let's check the formulary:
    • Name: is the nice name of the group on the user's rosters. Example: Test Group
    • Description: is a description. Example: This group is just for testing
    • Members: list of members of the group, one on each line. Example:
    • Displayed Groups: Put here the groop identification: test
  7. Login with any of the users defined on the group. He will have a virtual roster group with the group members.
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