Need help installing modules

Hi Everyone,

I am a newbie here. This is my first time with ejabberd . I have set up a ejabberd 15.06 server on my llinux (Centos 6)machine in /opt/ejabberd-15.06 and now i want to configure some modules which will help me to save chat logs in DB, enable audio/video sharing etc. So i figured out we need some modules to enable this support on my ejabberd server. So i started to work on installing modules to get a easy start i am trying to install the module "mod_statsdx"
which is properly build and copied the generated beam files in /opt/ejabberd-15.06/lib/ejabberd-15.06/ebin folder


copied generated beam file's from trunk/ebin directory to /opt/ejabberd-15.06/lib/ejabberd-15.06/ebin

Now according to the README file i enabled the module in /opt/ejabberd-15.06/conf/ejabberd.yml with the below config

mod_roster: []
mod_shared_roster: []
## mod_time: []
mod_vcard: []
mod_version: []
mod_statsdx: {}
interval: 60
type: txt
split: true
basefilename: "/var/www/stats"
hosts: ["localhost", ""]

But after putting the above config my ejabbered server is not starting. I see below logs in /opt/ejabberd-15.06/logs/error.log

2015-07-17 12:35:28.631 [critical] <0.37.0>@gen_mod:start_module:107 Problem starting the module mod_stats2file for host <<"">>
options: [{interval,60},
error: badarith
2015-07-17 12:35:28.631 [critical] <0.37.0>@gen_mod:start_module:112 ejabberd initialization was aborted because a module start failed.

can someone plese help me.

Have you seen the new tool in

Have you seen the new tool in ejabberd to ease the installation of contributed modules ?

You can get some details from: Easy installer and structure for ejabberd contributed modules.

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