"apt-get install ejabberd" command installs 14.07 version of eJabberd on Debian

"apt-get install ejabberd" command installs 14.07 version of eJabberd on Debian and Ubuntu.
Compiling from source is not an option for me, because if there will be an update, I don't want to struggle on source code.
I wonder, why neither on ubuntu nor on debian the latest version of ejabberd is not available? Why don't you package the latest version? Is there any repository to install the latest version?

you need to update your

you need to update your ubuntu package list
try this command
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
then try to install ejabberd from command

I've already done it. Same

I've already done it. Same thing

you should install ejabberd

you should install ejabberd from installer

https://goo.gl/kZjWcl here is

https://goo.gl/kZjWcl here is what happened when I tried to install from installer

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