space in username

Ca i have an username with space in ejabberd like "toto titi' ?

No, this is not allowed by

No, this is not allowed by XMPP specification.

thanks . please another

thanks . please another question. can i change the name of the fields username in table users in mysql ?

You can change them but will

You can change them but will also need to change them in ejabberd source code.

ok thank i used another

ok thank i used another solution to solve my problem

Maybe you can share how you

Maybe you can share how you solved your issue. It could be useful for future readers of that page.

Thanks !

it is simple i create a

it is simple i create a trigger which duplicate a id column in username column. in this case useranme column dont' space. and i create another column user which play the role of the user

For display name, you can

For display name, you can just use XMPP nickname:

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