parent column in pubsub_node table


I am trying to use hierarchy in pubsub nodes, but could not find much help anywhere. I need to know what the parent column exactly holds in the pubsub_node table. I created collection nodes but it does not have a parent, am I missing out something.

In pubsub_state table the column subscriptions appears to be a foreign entity, so where can I find its master table.

Also, is the unix like node naming, /home/host/... a practice or convention.


when using hometree node

when using hometree node plugin with default nodetree_tree tree plugin, you de facto have a hierarchy like /home/host/user/... this is design choice for hometree plugin.
in this case, the parent column contains node id of parent. example if you create /home/host/user/test, then parent is /home/host/user. each node can contain items or be parent of other child nodes, but a publish to a parent node does not propagate to child nodes. this is the preferred plugin to be used when one need a hierarchy.

you can also choose to use the dag node plugin with nodetree_dag tree plugin to get something with better support of collection and and leaf nodes as it was specified years ago in a xep which is defered now. with this plugin, either leaf nodes contains items, either collection node contains child nodes. you can not publish to a collection node. this plugin is not maintained, but used to work.

prasadv wrote: In

prasadv wrote:

In pubsub_state table the column subscriptions appears to be a foreign entity, so where can I find its master table.

I know this is an off question, but how are you able to view the pubsub_state and pubsusb_node tables in ejabberd? I don't see any pubsub related tables in the webadmin nor am i able to interpret data in var/lib/ejabberd/pubsub_*.DCD/DCL/DAT files.

If i try the ejabberdctl dump_table command like:
ejabberdctl --admin <user> <host> <pwd> dump_table pubsub_subscription.DCD ./ps-sub.txt
it fails...

Problem 'exit {aborted,{no_exists,'./ps-sub.txt',record_name}}' occurred executing the command.
Stacktrace: [{mnesia,abort,1,[{file,"mnesia.erl"},{line,310}]},

Any suggestions?

Thanks !!

$ ejabberdctl dump_table

$ ejabberdctl dump_table /tmp/aaa.txt pubsub_subscription
$ cat /tmp/aaa.txt 

You can also try:

$ ejabberdctl debug
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:true]
Eshell V6.2  (abort with ^G)

(ejabberd@localhost)1> mnesia:info().
---> Processes holding locks <--- 
---> Processes waiting for locks <--- 
---> Participant transactions <--- 
---> Coordinator transactions <---
---> Uncertain transactions <--- 
---> Active tables <--- 
sql_pool       : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
mod_register_ip: with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
local_config   : with 28       records occupying 1842     words of mem
caps_features  : with 6        records occupying 11658    bytes on disc
access         : with 30       records occupying 899      words of mem
acl            : with 10       records occupying 587      words of mem
shaper         : with 2        records occupying 321      words of mem
carboncopy     : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
last_activity  : with 3        records occupying 362      words of mem
pubsub_index   : with 1        records occupying 308      words of mem
vcard_search   : with 2        records occupying 499      words of mem
http_bind      : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
archive_prefs  : with 0        records occupying 5464     bytes on disc
motd_users     : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
reg_users_counter: with 1        records occupying 313      words of mem
sr_user        : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
schema         : with 45       records occupying 5774     words of mem
pubsub_subscription: with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
roster_version : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
session        : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
pubsub_last_item: with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
offline_msg    : with 2        records occupying 6695     bytes on disc
archive_msg    : with 4        records occupying 12108    bytes on disc
route          : with 5        records occupying 373      words of mem
private_storage: with 1        records occupying 5982     bytes on disc
motd           : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
sr_group       : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
oauth_token    : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
pubsub_item    : with 2        records occupying 6312     bytes on disc
muc_room       : with 10       records occupying 1032     words of mem
privacy        : with 2        records occupying 741      words of mem
pubsub_state   : with 4        records occupying 205      words of mem
iq_response    : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
passwd         : with 8        records occupying 471      words of mem
temporarily_blocked: with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
muc_registered : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
s2s            : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
multicastc     : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
session_counter: with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
irc_custom     : with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
muc_online_room: with 8        records occupying 451      words of mem
pubsub_node    : with 4        records occupying 803      words of mem
vcard          : with 2        records occupying 6200     bytes on disc
route_multicast: with 0        records occupying 299      words of mem
roster         : with 4        records occupying 568      words of mem
===> System info in version "4.12.3", debug level = none <===
opt_disc. Directory "/var/lib/ejabberd" is used.
use fallback at restart = false
running db nodes   = [ejabberd@localhost]
stopped db nodes   = [] 
master node tables = []
remote             = []
ram_copies         = [access,acl,carboncopy,http_bind,iq_response,
disc_copies        = [irc_custom,last_activity,motd,motd_users,muc_registered,
disc_only_copies   = [archive_msg,archive_prefs,caps_features,offline_msg,
[{ejabberd@localhost,disc_copies}] = [roster,pubsub_node,irc_custom,
[{ejabberd@localhost,disc_only_copies}] = [vcard,pubsub_item,caps_features,
[{ejabberd@localhost,ram_copies}] = [shaper,route_multicast,muc_online_room,
62 transactions committed, 83 aborted, 0 restarted, 0 logged to disc
0 held locks, 0 in queue; 0 local transactions, 0 remote
0 transactions waits for other nodes: []
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