Mnesia database stats and performance

Hey guys

Firstly, I am a noob when it comes to ejabberd and erlang in general so please be graceful :).

I have a ejabberd installation I am tinkering with and I have some questions I cannot find in my google searches.
I was going through the mnesia FAQ and i found this point below here

How much data can be stored in Mnesia?
Dets uses 32 bit integers for file offsets, so the largest possible mnesia table (for now) is 4Gb.In practice your machine will slow to a crawl way before you reach this limit.

So, how do i go about gathering stats for monitoring the mnesia database. Also, what is the default retention period for all the chat log/conversation history. If there is a way to monitor this and also some tuning that can be done to avoid issues and also making sure that the DB size does not cause slowness like the above points suggests would be great.

Any tips/links/guides ?

Mnesia should be used to

Mnesia should be used to store only small amount of data. If you have a large deployment or plan to store a lot, you should store in a relational database.

Thanks for your

Thanks for your response.
Again, i am very new to mnesia/ehabberd and currently have a default setup.
How do i check what is currently stored on mnesia ?
For instance, i want to make sure i can backup/restore chats in the muc rooms.
How do i go about this ?

You can dump or backup Mnesia

You can dump or backup Mnesia data using ejabberdctl backup, restore and dump commands. You can find more information in ejabberd documentation:

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