[solved] Send HTML message via shell

Is it possible to send HTML-formatted messages via ejabberdctl?

$ ejabberdctl send_message_chat alice@example.org bob@example.org "<html><b>hi</b>, how are you?</html>"

This does not work; the tags are not interpreted by the client.

What can I do to send HTML messages?

It's the strange quoting

It's the strange quoting again. It works in 15.09 if you only use double quotes (not single ones, they somehow get stripped) and "escape" spaces with ' ':

$ ejabberdctl send_stanza_c2s alice example.org "Psi+" "<message' 'type=\"groupchat\"' 'to=\"test@conference.example.org\"' 'from=\"alice@example.org\"><body>Hello World</body><html' 'xmlns=\"http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im\"><body' 'xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><p><strong>Hello</strong>' 'World</p></body></html></message>"
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