Mod Mam archive issue between multiple resources

I have two login with different resource for my xmpp account , now i came across a situation wherein if i am login i received all the messages sent/received to both resources , Now one of my resource(desktop) goes offline and if any messages sent to me will be received to resource(mobile) which is online. this goes perfect till this point.

Now when i logged in back to my another resource(desktop) and try to retrieve archive history it is resulting into messages those were sent by me and but not getting messages sent to me .Messages sent are there but received Messages are not there .

Messages those were received by my resource(mobile) which was online , did not return to resource(desktop) .

i tried to implement the same scenario with different client and it is working fine with it . i read the document about resource priority and kept(5) as its value for all my resources too.

could anyone please suggest me where i am wrong .

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