stream management

Hi. I enable steam management. my config is :

   stream_management: true
    resend_on_timeout: true
    resume_timeout: 0
    max_ack_queue: 3000

but still messages are lost. I enable mod_ping and config is :

    send_pings: true
    ping_interval: 120
    timeout_action: kill

network of client1 is disconnected and client 2 send message to client 1 for 152 seconds(when chat server know client 1 is disconnected).
but still the messages are lost before config stream management all of messages in this 152 second are lost but now some messages are lost.
max_ack_queue is per users or all of users?
what is wrong? how can I fix it?

Hi, I have a same

I have a same problem.
Please read this post:

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