mode_shared_roster_ldap configuration

Hello everyone,

I am a newbie to ejabberd. I have just setup the LDAP authentification without any problems.However, i have had a big problem with the mod_shared_roster_ldap, it didn't display any LDAP group in the "Shared Roster". My configuration is like below :

ldap_base: "dc=MyCompany,dc=com"
ldap_groupattr: "ou"
ldap_memberattr: "member"
ldap_useruid: "uid"
ldap_userdesc: "cn"
ldap_rfilter: "(objectClass=groupOfNames)"
ldap_gfilter: "(&(objectClass=groupOfNames)(cn=%g))"
ldap_ufilter: "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%u))"
ldap_filter: ""
ldap_auth_check: off
ldap_group_cache_validity: 1
ldap_user_cache_validity: 1

I have spent most of my time for googling but without help (i found out the version 16.02 has broken this mod, i tried to downgrade to 16.01 but without success). Moreover, i also desactivated the mod_shared_roster (##mod_shared_roster: {}) and i couldn't even see my "Shared Roster" link.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you very much !

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