Unread Message Count/History on Device Change

I am looking for unread Message Count/History when user change device or login to one device from one device. I am able to get the history of the message but not the count/history of the unread messages on device change. Also, I am checking the message delivery receipt with XMPP 0184 but that is client to client only, not storing any message status to the server side.


If User "A" sends message to "B" but "B" did not read the message and log out from device and login to again on another devices. now those unread messages should come in unread messages. how do i handle this offline messages.

Is there any configuration on server side when user sends message and if messages are unread, Message should go to the offline messages queues and on IQ for offline messages, we pull back those unread messages.

I think mod_offline does not

I think mod_offline does not provide any way for a user to know how many offline messages are stored for him.

but to solve this problem do

but to solve this problem do you have any suggestions

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