Message not delivered to the user

User A sent a message to User B who is offline. In this scenario the sent message should go into the spool table and when the User B comes online , the message from the spool table should be delivered to the user B thereby removing the message from the spool table and making its entry into the archive table.

But in my case following problem has occured :

I sent a message to user B who is offline . But when User B came online , he didn't received my message. When I checked the spool table the message was missing . But, when I searched for the message in the archive table, I found the message .

Could someone please tell me what could be the probable reasons for this message not being received by the User B?

Please help..!

If you enable mod_offline,

If you enable mod_offline, then it stores messages sent to a local offline user, and delivers them to the user when he logins. Only some types of stanzas are stored: message that are of type "chat" and "headline", other types are not stored. So maybe you are sending a packet that mod_offline is desidgned to not store.

If you enable mod_mam, then it stores stanzas forever, or for many days. It may store all stanzas, of any type (message, iq, presence...), or only some.

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