ejabberd 0.0 is running in that node


every time I compile ejabberd from source, the running version is always "0.0".


ejabberdctl status
The node ejabberd@localhost is started with status: started
ejabberd 0.0 is running in that node

what can possibly cause this?

The ejabberd version number

The ejabberd version number is read from the file ejabberd.app, the attribute vsn. And that number is extracted from the git tag when compiling ejabberd:

AC_INIT(ejabberd, m4_esyscmd([echo `git describe --tags 2>/dev/null || echo 0.0`
 | sed 's/-g.*//;s/-/./' | tr -d '\012']), [ejabberd@process-one.net], [ejabberd])

So, in your case if git isn't available, it uses the default value. If you are really interested, you can simply force that number in the file 'configure', lines:

PACKAGE_STRING='ejabberd 16.09.8'
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