Custom roster database


I've developed my own roster database which uses an external script (like extauth does). It works perfectly however ejabberd complains about an added option. The configuration looks like this:

    db_type: ext
    ext_program: "/opt/ejabberd-16.09/EjabberdScripts/"

Upon startup I get this error:

2016-11-23 12:03:40.588 [error] <0.1780.0>@gen_mod:validate_opts:334 unknown option 'ext_program' for module 'mod_roster' will be likely ignored, available options are: 'access', 'db_type', 'iqdisc', 'managers', 'store_current_id', 'versioning'
12:03:40.588 [error] unknown option 'ext_program' for module 'mod_roster' will be likely ignored, available options are: 'access', 'db_type', 'iqdisc', 'managers', 'store_current_id', 'versioning'

Is there any way of getting rid of the error?
ejabberd starts up fine so it should probably just be a warning, still it's bothering me.

You can consider it just a

You can consider it just a warning, as you developed a new option, you are correctly using it, but you didn't define it in the function mod_opt_type (see at the end of mod_roster.erl).

Yeah, I would rather not

Yeah, I would rather not modify ejabberd code. Had hoped there was a way around it :-(
Guess I'll just have to live with it.

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