Error message from XMPP server

Upon sending a message to other user when he/she is offline we are receiving an error message from server, below is the error message.

<message xmlns="jabber:client" lang="en"
type="error" id="1495193737246-103">
  <archived xmlns="urn:xmpp:mam:tmp" by="" id="1495193738493868"/>
  <stanza-id xmlns="urn:xmpp:sid:0" by="" id="1495193738493868"/>
  <request xmlns="urn:xmpp:receipts" id="1495193737246-103"/>
  <error code="503" type="cancel">
    <service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/>
    <text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas" lang="en">User session terminated</text>
    "message" : "Text",
    "messageType" : 1,
    "isUrgent" : 0

The message has been saved in the archive table successfully but not in spool table, since user is offline the message must be saved in spool table which is not happening in our case.

Any help or suggestions ?

I see the body has comma

I see the body has comma characters. If you send a simple body like Hello, does the same problem appear?

Also, the destination 103 @.... account exists, right?

Yes, even if we are sending

Yes, even if we are sending plain text same problem occurs. And we have cross checked the account 103@... does exist. Also this problem doesn't occur regularly, we are able to reproduce this issue occasionally also for offline users only.

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