How to send message markers for MUC messages

Hi i am currently working on MUC. created a room and sent message to users via that... messages send and recieve works perfect...

Now next steps is to send markers about recieved/read messages... bellow is my stanza which i am using for sending received marker

<message type="chat"
to="5112392585314304_1497502785@" id="5112392585314304_1497510866">
<received xmlns="urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0" id="4512801326366720_1497510866"/>

explanation of above stanza
to="5112392585314304_1497502785@" is ID of user who sent me a message and now to whom I want to send a marker about recieve.

id="5112392585314304_1497510866" unique id for current marker

<received xmlns="urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0" id="4512801326366720_1497510866"/></message>

here the ID is message id for which marker is to be sent
but in response I recieve following stanza which contains error:

<message xmlns="jabber:client"
  <received xmlns="urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0" id="4512801326366720_1497510866"/>
  <error code="503" type="cancel">
    <service-unavailable xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/>

Can you please help me through it


I tried to send your stanza

I tried to send your stanza to an existing user, and it was received by the destination, no error.

If I try to send your stanza to a non-existing account, then I receive an error stanza like yours.

My Bad, Solved the problem..

My Bad, Solved the problem.. thanks for the guidance

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