sendxmpp connection test failure : host-unknown

Hi to all,
I have a problem with my installation of ejabberd server on linux machine ubuntu 16.10. The server works correctly, I can connect via pidgin from other hosts on the LAN network. I have another ubuntu machine with Zabbix server that I use to monitor the various devices via SNMP and I would like to set up alert notifications via sendxmpp client.
I installed the client on the zabbix machine, I think I have configured everything correctly, but the connection with the server does not happen and I get the following error from the sendxmpp log:

appliance@zabbix:~$ echo "testomex" | sendxmpp -d -n -v -tls -f /home/appliance/.sendxmpprc -s zabbix stefano@localhost
sendxmpp: config: 'port' => '0'
sendxmpp: config: 'username' => 'zabbix'
Use of uninitialized value $val in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/bin/sendxmpp line 195.
sendxmpp: config: 'component' => ''
sendxmpp: config: 'password' => 'zabbix'
sendxmpp: config: 'jserver' => ''
XML::Stream: new: hostname = (zabbix.zabbix.lan)
XML::Stream: SetCallBacks: tag(node) func(CODE(0x1d6c740))
XMPP::Conn: xmppCallbackInit: start
XMPP::Conn: SetCallBacks: tag(message) func(CODE(0x1d6c488))
XMPP::Conn: SetCallBacks: tag(presence) func(CODE(0x1d6c518))
XMPP::Conn: SetCallBacks: tag(iq) func(CODE(0x1d6c5d8))
XMPP::Conn: SetPresenceCallBacks: type(subscribed) func(CODE(0x1d6c290))
XMPP::Conn: SetPresenceCallBacks: type(unsubscribed) func(CODE(0x1d6c200))
XMPP::Conn: SetPresenceCallBacks: type(unsubscribe) func(CODE(0x1d6c320))
XMPP::Conn: SetPresenceCallBacks: type(subscribe) func(CODE(0x1d6c530))
XMPP::Conn: SetDirectXPathCallBacks: xpath(/[@xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls"]) func(CODE(0x1d6c2a8))
XMPP::Conn: SetDirectXPathCallBacks: xpath(/[@xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"]) func(CODE(0x1d6c158))
XMPP::Conn: xmppCallbackInit: stop
sendxmpp: ssl_verify: 0
sendxmpp: tls_ca_path:
XMPP::Conn: Connect: host( namespace(jabber:client)
XMPP::Conn: Connect: timeout(10)
XML::Stream: Connect: type(tcpip)
XML::Stream: Connect: Got a connection
XML::Stream: Send: (<?xml version='1.0'?>)
XML::Stream: Read: buff(<?xml version='1.0'?>)
XML::Stream: _handle_root: sid(newconnection) sax(XML::Stream::Parser=HASH(0x1d62f10)) tag(stream:stream) att( id 7692452984662060418 from localhost xml:lang en xmlns jabber:client xmlns:stream version 1.0 )
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_element: sid(newconnection) sax(XML::Stream::Parser=HASH(0x1d62f10)) tag(stream:error) att( )
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_element: check( -1 )
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_element: sid(newconnection) sax(XML::Stream::Parser=HASH(0x1d62f10)) tag(host-unknown) att( xmlns urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams )
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_element: check( 0 )
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_close: sid(newconnection) sax(XML::Stream::Parser=HASH(0x1d62f10)) tag(host-unknown)
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_close: check( 1 )
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_close: check2( 0 )
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_close: sid(newconnection) sax(XML::Stream::Parser=HASH(0x1d62f10)) tag(stream:error)
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_close: check( 0 )
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_close: check2( -1 )
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_close: sid(newconnection) sax(XML::Stream::Parser=HASH(0x1d62f10)) tag(stream:stream)
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_close: check( -1 )
XML::Stream: Node: _handle_close: rootTag(stream:stream) tag(stream:stream)
Could not connect to '' on port 5222:

ejabberd version 16.08
sendxmpp version 1.23

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