[New] history_size and other settings

Hello - I have just set up my first ejabberd xmpp on an ubuntu-server, using standard ejabberd settings. I like this setup much better than my ircd-hybrid service.

I edited the history_size value to be 500 then 800 - The users thought the history size was too short. What is this measured in? 500kbytes? 500 lines? What does it mean to increase this value?

Also, after I edited this value and clicked "Restart" in the ejabberd-web-gui, I rejoined the conference, and the history had disappeared completely..! Any way to prevent this, or is it by design? My initial thought was that this "history_size" value is maybe saved in RAM and not on disk..? Do you know if this is correct?

Please and thank you =)

I think it measures number of

I think it measures number of messages.

Room history is kept only in the room process state, that is in RAM. So, it's lost when the room gets recreated, and that happens when mod_muc is restarted.

Will it make any sense to

Will it make any sense to change the muc_room value to "Disk only"? Will this make any difference?

The muc_room table stores the

The muc_room table stores the room information that changes infrequently: the room options.
The room information that is expected to change frequently, is kept only in the room process state: occupants, history, etc.
And the table muc_online_room allows to find the room process.

All this is for efficiency reasons.

One way to keep being efficient and still keep room history between service restarts would be to implement this feature request:

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