This is the output once any client attempts to connect...

After all was said and done, I was able to get the server to seem like it was working. When I attempt to connect with JAJC or EXODUS, this is the output in the console window that I launch the server from:

=INFO REPORT==== 18-Apr-2005::14:27:47 ===
I(<0.220.0>:ejabberd_listener:89): (#Port<0.37922>) 
   Accepted connection {{127,0,0,1},48692} -> {{127,0,0,1},5269}

=INFO REPORT==== 18-Apr-2005::14:27:47 ===
I(<0.24619.0>:ejabberd_s2s_in:93): started: {gen_tcp,#Port<0.37922>}

=INFO REPORT==== 18-Apr-2005::14:27:47 ===
I(<0.24619.0>:ejabberd_s2s_in:141): GET KEY: {"usbou1-sjabber1",

=INFO REPORT==== 18-Apr-2005::14:27:47 ===
I(<0.24619.0>:ejabberd_s2s_in:322): terminated: normal

=INFO REPORT==== 18-Apr-2005::14:27:47 ===
I(<0.24617.0>:ejabberd_s2s_out:393): terminated: normal

=INFO REPORT==== 18-Apr-2005::14:27:47 ===
I(<0.24622.0>:ejabberd_s2s_out:87): started: {"usbou1-sjabber1",

=INFO REPORT==== 18-Apr-2005::14:27:47 ===
I(<0.220.0>:ejabberd_listener:89): (#Port<0.37930>) 
   Accepted connection {{127,0,0,1},48693} -> {{127,0,0,1},5269}

=INFO REPORT==== 18-Apr-2005::14:27:47 ===
I(<0.24624.0>:ejabberd_s2s_in:93): started: {gen_tcp,#Port<0.37930>}

=INFO REPORT==== 18-Apr-2005::14:27:48 ===
I(<0.24624.0>:ejabberd_s2s_in:141): GET KEY: {"usbou1-sjabber1",

The client just sits on "Connecting..." forever. What could be misconfigured here? If both clients are causing the server to behave in this fashion, it seems like I've got something that I have yet to do...

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