ejabberd MUC connection

Hello everyone, i'm working with two ejabberd servers running at different boxes. I'll call chat.aaa.com and chat.xxx.com. I've connected both services successfully and users from one domain can add to users from other domain without problem. The issue start when someone from domain chat.aaa.com create a MUC and try to add someone from chat.xxx.com. The room is created but the invitation never appear and I'm getting this error

=INFO REPORT==== 2014-04-23 13:19:19 ===
I(<0.408.0>:ejabberd_s2s_out:1204) : Trying to open s2s connection: conference.chat.chat.aaa.com -> chat.xxx.com with TLS=true

=INFO REPORT==== 2014-04-23 13:19:20 ===
I(<0.408.0>:ejabberd_s2s_out:444) : wait for validation: conference.chat.chat.aaa.com -> chat.xxx.com (closed)

I've changed logging mode to debug and i could see the following

=INFO REPORT==== 2014-04-23 13:24:26 ===
D(<0.394.0>:ejabberd_router:313) : route
from {jid,"user2","chat.xxx.com",[],"user2",
to {jid,"testing","conference.chat.aaa.com",[],"testing",
packet {xmlelement,"message",
"user1@chat.aaa.com/2487547241398270249605643 invites you to the room testing@conference.chat.aaa.com"}]},

=INFO REPORT==== 2014-04-23 13:24:26 ===

Where i could see 404 error at the end of the log.

I've the following configuration

%% Admins of this server are also admins of the MUC service:
{access, muc_admin, [{allow, admin}]}.

%% Only accounts of the local ejabberd server can create rooms:
{access, muc_create, [{allow, local}]}.

%% All users are allowed to use the MUC service:
{access, muc, [{allow, all}]}.

{mod_muc, [
%%{host, "conference.@HOST@"},
{access, muc},
{access_create, muc_create},
{access_persistent, muc_create},
{access_admin, muc_admin}

Is something that I'm doing wrong for this ?

Thanks in advance

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