help with LDAP Auth.

Hi you all!

I'm trying to set up my ejabberd server to use my LDAP directoy of users but it seems not to be running 100% all right...

I've installed the 0.9 version and configure the ejabberd.cfg file as shown below:

{auth_method, ldap}.
{ldap_servers, [""]}. % List of LDAP servers (Server IP)
{ldap_uidattr, "uid"}. % LDAP attribute that holds user ID
{ldap_base, "o=sadesi,o=empleados,o=juntadeandalucia,c=es"}. % Base of LDAP directory
{ldap_rootdn, "cn=jsanchez,o=juntadeandalucia,c=es"}.
{ldap_password, "jsanchez-password"}.

But I never can't login with any LDAP user.

Don't know if I must specify the server port (by default 389) or use only "jsanchez" as rootdn, what string have I to use when I'n logging in, etc...

Has anybody this feature running OK? Any idea to make it run as well?

Thanks in advance!

Miguel Angel MarĂ­n

PS: Sorry about my english

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