ejabberd with riak db, no vcard_search bucket? so can't search vcard

Hi All,

I'm integrating ejabberd with riak database,
all functions are running well, until i want to try vcard search.
now, my main purpose is setup search vcard function with riak db backend.

I install ejabberd on CentOS 6.5
with installer from ejabberd-14.07-linux-x86_64-installer.run
I install riak db from rpm version riak-2.0.1-1.el6.x86_64

I use Adium discovery browser, and the vcard user search already shown.
my mod_vcard configuration on ejabberd.yml are
host: "search. at HOST@"
search: true
matches: 10
allow_return_all: true
search_all_hosts: false
db_type: riak

This is the riakdb condition few mins after starting ejabberd and register
user & room:
# curl -i http://localhost:8098/riak?buckets=true

I read the mod_vcard.erl from the source code [1],
and it shown 2 buckets vcard and vcard_search.

After I update email, avatar, add friend, and so on:
# curl -i http://localhost:8098/riak?buckets=true

I still can't find the vcard_search buckets,
is there anything that i have missed?

thank you for the help.


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