eJabbered (2.1.13) ODBC Timeout

Hi All,

We set up an ejabberd server (ver 2.1.13) as part of our app about a year ago (Oct 2013). Shortly after going live we found issues with ejabberd messages locking up when we reached about 1,200 people online (not all of them were necessarily sending messages).

Following much head scratching the issue was traced to a known (unresolved) bug here: https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-1583

In short, an ODBC timeout of 5secs causes a total messaging downtime of 150 seconds ... this rules out the easy fix of extending the timeout because a 7 sec timeout turns into 210 second downtime etc.

I've tried a lot of "experts" to try to find a solution, but it became apparent quite quickly that there are not many experts around. I'm wondering if anyone has encountered this problem and found a fix, or found ways of reducing the occurances.

The obvious answer is "upgrade", but this is a non-trivial exercise, and our key developer was poached about a year ago (we no longer have the internal expertise necessary).

In summary the questions are:

1. Are there any recommended configuration settings we can use to reduce this issue?
2. Does anyone know a genuine ejabbered expert they could refer us to?

Many thanks,

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