Can't use Logger

I know this issue was raised few times but I didn't found a solution yet. I cant use the logger
My steps:
1. Download Erlang
2. Download & compile eJabrred with the code from
3. My code:



start(_Host, _Opt) ->
    ?DEBUG("Loaded mode_hello", []).       
stop(_Host) ->


13:15:27.670 [critical] Problem starting the module mod_hello for host <<"localhost">>
options: []
error: undef
            [mod_hello,16,"Loading module 'mod_hello' ",[]],
13:15:27.671 [critical] ejabberd initialization was aborted because a module start failed.

Tried also to rebeat:

./rebar get-deps
./rebar compile
cp -R deps/* /lib/ejabberd/include/

but with the same error.

also when I'm trying to compile & run mod_echo everything is OK, but when I'm adding a new line with msg_info I get the same error as in my mode_hello.
Any ideas

Can't use Logger

First of all, instead of lager you should include this one, as I see in all the ejabberd code:

Don't do that cp -R, this should be done automatically.

Also, try running: ./
And also try running again: ./configure

when you include "logger.hl"

when you include "logger.hl" don't forget to compile with -DLAGER

Why not simply use "make ;

Why not simply use "make ; sudo make install" to build? If you use the Makefile in the Ejabberd directory, you shouldn't need any special options to compile it with logger support. I only ran into trouble with the logger when trying to compile modules manually.

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