What do fields in privacy_list_data table mean?

Dear all,

I have a question about storing privacy_list_data in ejabberd Database.

Regarding to privacy_list_data table, I don't get what fields mean, such as: t, action, ord, match_all, match_iq, match_messages, etc...?

Data of my privacy_list_data table is given as below:
id |t |value |action |ord |match_all |match_iq |match_message |match_presence_in |match_presence_out
1 |j |abc@satay.mooo.com |d |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1
1 |j |abc2@satay.mooo.com |d |2 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1
3 |j |abc@satay.mooo.com |d |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |1

I'm working on synchornizing data of blocked list data. When replacing data by id, we need to insert data for some fields such as: action, ord, match_all,.... because default values of them are not defined yet. But I don't know what they are.

Is there anyone help me to understand about those fields in privacy_list_data table?

Thanks a lot.

Hello, Actually, this is


Actually, this is exactly the same field as the privacy list attributes and tag values.

Here is how you can set the privacy list in the privacy list specification:


The table is an exact match, with the special case of match_all value which is meant to match any packet type.

For the record we started

For the record we started publishing document for SQL schema in our revamped documentation site. We added this explanation in:

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