User receive presence unavailable when one of the nodes of the cluster goes down

I configured an ejabberd cluster with three nodes, using mnesia as database, and the script bin/joincluster to add the nodes to the cluster. I'm using ejabberd 15.04.
But when I put one of the nodes down, I expected that nothing bad happends, but instead of that, the users received presence packets like this one:
<body xmlns=''><presence xmlns='jabber:client' from='' to='' type='unavailable'><x xmlns=''><item affiliation='none' role='none'><reason>You are being removed from the room because of a system shutdown</reason></item><status code='332'/></x></presence></body>

If I have 2 nodes up and running, why the users are taking out of the rooms? Is this the expected behaviour


ejabberd Room themselves are

ejabberd Room themselves are not clustered. They only live on a single nodes, so a part of the rooms will indeed by shutdown when you stop a node.

And what If I use an external

And what If I use an external database for the muc module ? The behaviour will be the same?


yes, the behaviour is the

yes, the behaviour is the same.

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