eJabberd crashing, can't figure out why

My eJabberd server has been crashing frequently tonight and i haven't been able to figure out why.

There is no CRASH entry in the eJabberd log file, and there is no ERL DUMP being generated. There is nothing in the Windows Application or System logs. I have only about 20-30 concurrent users and 1.5 gb free memory.

The Erl.exe process just stops running about every few hours. Although it seems to be running longer when fewer users are online.

Any ideas?

Also, many of the users are in a single conference room for a large group chat. Could that be a problem? Is there a limit on the number of users per conference room?

*** UPDATE ***

Found the problem. The process was running under a user account, so when the session was forcibly terminated by the OS, the chat server crashed as well. Running as a system process solved the problem.

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