Perl Net::Jabber "error not-authorized"

I'm using the sample Perl script at except that I hardcoded the recipient and message into my test script. However, I get the following error when I run the script:

Jabber auth error: error not-authorized

On the ejabberd (2.0.5) side, I get

=INFO REPORT==== 2009-05-30 11:34:42 ===
I(<0.269.0>:ejabberd_listener:116) : (#Port<0.427>) Accepted connection {{216,216,32,245},49463} -> {{216,216,32,4},5222}

=INFO REPORT==== 2009-05-30 11:34:42 ===
I(<0.368.0>:ejabberd_c2s:709) : ({socket_state,gen_tcp,#Port<0.427>,<0.367.0>}) Failed authentication for

The username/password is correct as I use it successfully when connecting from another client.

Any thoughts?

The script tries to login

apu wrote:

I hardcoded the recipient and message into my test script.

On the ejabberd (2.0.5) side, I get

=INFO REPORT==== 2009-05-30 11:34:42 ===
I(<0.368.0>:ejabberd_c2s:709) : ({socket_state,gen_tcp,#Port<0.427>,<0.367.0>}) Failed authentication for

The username/password is correct

Obviously it isn't correct.

If you create an account with password notifypass, put in the Perl script:

use constant USER      => 'apu';      # user this script connects as
use constant SERVER    => '';         # Jabber server to connect to
use constant PASSWORD  => 'notifypass';      # password associated with USER

It works for me using ejabberd 2.0.5.

Tried it with two different

Tried it with two different ejabberd accounts. Copy-and-pasted the username & password for the one brand-new one that this script will eventually use. The other is one that I already use with Adium as a client.

I am 100% positive I'm using the same username/password both with the working client and the non-working Perl script. Obviously, something is changing how it is presented to the server but I don't know where to look or what to try changing. Do I need to hash the password somehow before sending it? Something else?

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