eJabberd 2.0.5 AD integration

Hello all,

New to ejabberd and need some help please. I have ejabberd up and running built now want to integrate it into my windows active directory. I have followed the samples in the documentation but something is still wrong.
The main problem I am having is I cannot log into web admin after I turn on AD integration. Is there something stupid I don’t know.. I’m guess it looks to the AD, is there a special way I need to register an Admin in the AD.

Is there a easy guide to this out there somewhere written for a novice??

The jabber log reports this when I try to log on.

D(<0.265.0>:eldap:886) : Bind Request Message:{'LDAPMessage',7,

=INFO REPORT==== 2009-09-16 11:58:56 ===
D(<0.265.0>:eldap:752) : {'LDAPMessage',7,

%%% ejabberd configuration file

%%% The parameters used in this configuration file are explained in more detail
%%% in the ejabberd Installation and Operation Guide.
%%% Please consult the Guide in case of doubts, it is included in
%%% your copy of ejabberd, and is also available online at
%%% http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/docs/

%%% This configuration file contains Erlang terms.
%%% In case you want to understand the syntax, here are the concepts:
%%% - The character to comment a line is %
%%% - Each term ends in a dot, for example:
%%% override_global.
%%% - A tuple has a fixed definition, its elements are
%%% enclosed in {}, and separated with commas:
%%% {loglevel, 4}.
%%% - A list can have as many elements as you want,
%%% and is enclosed in [], for example:
%%% [http_poll, web_admin, tls]
%%% - A keyword of ejabberd is a word in lowercase.
%%% The strings are enclosed in "" and can have spaces, dots...
%%% {language, "en"}.
%%% {ldap_rootdn, "dc=example,dc=com"}.
%%% - This term includes a tuple, a keyword, a list and two strings:
%%% {hosts, ["jabber.example.net", "im.example.com"]}.

%%% =======================

%% Override the old values stored in the database.

%% Override global options (shared by all ejabberd nodes in a cluster).

%% Override local options (specific for this particular ejabberd node).

%% Remove the Access Control Lists before new ones are added.

%%% =========

%% loglevel: Verbosity of log files generated by ejabberd.
%% 0: No ejabberd log at all (not recommended)
%% 1: Critical
%% 2: Error
%% 3: Warning
%% 4: Info
%% 5: Debug
{loglevel, 5}.

%% watchdog_admins: If an ejabberd process consumes too much memory,
%% send live notifications to those Jabber accounts.
%%{watchdog_admins, ["admin@ejabber.overture2.com"]}.

%%% ================

%% hosts: Domains served by ejabberd.
%% You can define one or several, for example:
%% {hosts, ["example.net", "example.com", "example.org"]}.
{hosts, ["ejabber.overture2.com"]}.

%% route_subdomains: Delegate subdomains to other Jabber server.
%% For example, if this ejabberd serves example.org and you want
%% to allow communication with a Jabber server called im.example.org.
%%{route_subdomains, s2s}.

%%% ===============

%% listen: Which ports will ejabberd listen, which service handles it
%% and what options to start it with.

{5222, ejabberd_c2s, [
{certfile, "/opt/ejabberd-2.0.5/conf/server.pem"}, starttls,
{access, c2s},
{shaper, c2s_shaper},
{max_stanza_size, 65536}

%% To enable the old SSL connection method in port 5223:
%%{5223, ejabberd_c2s, [
%% {certfile, "/opt/ejabberd-2.0.5/conf/server.pem"}, tls,
%% {access, c2s},
%% {shaper, c2s_shaper},
%% {max_stanza_size, 65536}
%% ]},

{5269, ejabberd_s2s_in, [
{shaper, s2s_shaper},
{max_stanza_size, 131072}

%% ejabberd_service: Interact with external components (transports...)
%%{8888, ejabberd_service, [
%% {access, all},
%% {shaper_rule, fast},
%% {ip, {127, 0, 0, 1}},
%% {hosts, ["icq.example.org", "sms.example.org"],
%% [{password, "secret"}]
%% }
%% ]},

{5280, ejabberd_http, [


%% s2s_use_starttls: Enable STARTTLS + Dialback for S2S connections.
%% Allowed values are: true or false.
%% You must specify a certificate file.
%%{s2s_use_starttls, true}.

%% s2s_certfile: Specify a certificate file.
%%{s2s_certfile, "/opt/ejabberd-2.0.5/conf/server.pem"}.

%% domain_certfile: Specify a different certificate for each served hostname.
%%{domain_certfile, "example.org", "/opt/ejabberd-2.0.5/conf/example_org.pem"}.
%%{domain_certfile, "example.com", "/opt/ejabberd-2.0.5/conf/example_com.pem"}.

%% S2S whitelist or blacklist
%% Default s2s policy for undefined hosts.
%%{s2s_default_policy, allow}.

%% Allow or deny communication with specific servers.
%%{{s2s_host, "goodhost.org"}, allow}.
%%{{s2s_host, "badhost.org"}, deny}.

%%% ==============

%% auth_method: Method used to authenticate the users.
%% The default method is the internal.
%% If you want to use a different method,
%% comment this line and enable the correct ones.
%%{auth_method, internal}.

%%{auth_method, internal}.

%% Authentication using external script
%% Make sure the script is executable by ejabberd.
%%{auth_method, external}.
%%{extauth_program, "/path/to/authentication/script"}.

%% Authentication using ODBC
%% Remember to setup a database in the next section.
%%{auth_method, odbc}.

%% Authentication using PAM
%%{auth_method, pam}.
%%{pam_service, "pamservicename"}.

%% Authentication using LDAP
{auth_method, ldap}.
%% List of LDAP servers:
{ldap_servers, ["overture2.com"]}.
%% LDAP attribute that holds user ID:
{ldap_uids, [{"sAMAccountName"}]}.
%% Search base of LDAP directory:
{ldap_base, "ou=ejabber_user,dc=overture2,dc=com"}.
%% LDAP manager:
{ldap_rootdn, "cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=overture2,dc=com"}.
%% Password to LDAP manager:
{ldap_password, "overture"}.

%% Anonymous login support:
%% auth_method: anonymous
%% anonymous_protocol: sasl_anon | login_anon | both
%% allow_multiple_connections: true | false
%%{host_config, "public.example.org", [{auth_method, anonymous},
%% {allow_multiple_connections, false},
%% {anonymous_protocol, sasl_anon}]}.
%% To use both anonymous and internal authentication:
%%{host_config, "public.example.org", [{auth_method, [internal, anonymous]}]}.

%%% ==============

%% ejabberd uses by default the internal Mnesia database,
%% so you can avoid this section.
%% This section provides configuration examples in case
%% you want to use other database backends.
%% Please consult the ejabberd Guide for details about database creation.

%% MySQL server:
%%{odbc_server, {mysql, "server", "database", "username", "password"}}.
%% If you want to specify the port:
%%{odbc_server, {mysql, "server", 1234, "database", "username", "password"}}.

%% PostgreSQL server:
%%{odbc_server, {pgsql, "server", "database", "username", "password"}}.
%% If you want to specify the port:
%%{odbc_server, {pgsql, "server", 1234, "database", "username", "password"}}.
%% If you use PostgreSQL, have a large database, and need a
%% faster but inexact replacement for "select count(*) from users"
%%{pgsql_users_number_estimate, true}.

%% ODBC compatible or MSSQL server:
%%{odbc_server, "DSN=ejabberd;UID=ejabberd;PWD=ejabberd"}.

%%% ===============

%% The "normal" shaper limits traffic speed to 1.000 B/s
{shaper, normal, {maxrate, 1000}}.

%% The "fast" shaper limits traffic speed to 50.000 B/s
{shaper, fast, {maxrate, 50000}}.

%%% ====================

%% The 'admin' ACL grants administrative privileges to Jabber accounts.
%% You can put as many accounts as you want.
{acl, admin, {user, "OVadmin", "ejabber.overture2.com"}}.
{acl, admin, {user, "JAB_ADMIN", "overture2.com"}}.
%% Blocked users
%%{acl, blocked, {user, "baduser", "example.org"}}.
%%{acl, blocked, {user, "test"}}.

%% Local users: don't modify this line.
{acl, local, {user_regexp, ""}}.

%% More examples of ACLs
%%{acl, jabberorg, {server, "jabber.org"}}.
%%{acl, aleksey, {user, "aleksey", "jabber.ru"}}.
%%{acl, test, {user_regexp, "^test"}}.
%%{acl, test, {user_glob, "test*"}}.

%%% ============

%% Define the maximum number of time a single user is allowed to connect:
{access, max_user_sessions, [{10, all}]}.

%% This rule allows access only for local users:
{access, local, [{allow, local}]}.

%% Only non-blocked users can use c2s connections:
{access, c2s, [{deny, blocked},
{allow, all}]}.

%% For all users except admins used "normal" shaper
{access, c2s_shaper, [{none, admin},
{normal, all}]}.

%% For all S2S connections used "fast" shaper
{access, s2s_shaper, [{fast, all}]}.

%% Only admins can send announcement messages:
{access, announce, [{allow, admin}]}.

%% Only admins can use configuration interface:
{access, configure, [{allow, admin}]}.

%% Admins of this server are also admins of MUC service:
{access, muc_admin, [{allow, admin}]}.

%% All users are allowed to use MUC service:
{access, muc, [{allow, all}]}.

%% Every username can be registered via in-band registration:
%% To disable in-band registration, replace 'allow' with 'deny'.
{access, register, [{allow, all}]}.

%% Everybody can create pubsub nodes
{access, pubsub_createnode, [{allow, all}]}.

%%% ================

%% language: Default language used for server messages.
{language, "en"}.

%%% =======

%% Modules enabled in all ejabberd virtual hosts.
{mod_adhoc, []},
{mod_announce, [{access, announce}]}, % requires mod_adhoc
{mod_caps, []},
{mod_configure,[]}, % requires mod_adhoc
{mod_disco, []},
%%{mod_echo, [{host, "echo.ejabber.overture2.com"}]},
%%{mod_http_fileserver, [{docroot, "/opt/ejabberd-2.0.5/www"}]},
{mod_irc, []},
{mod_last, []},
{mod_muc, [
%%{host, "conference.@HOST@"},
{access, muc},
{access_create, muc},
{access_persistent, muc},
{access_admin, muc_admin}
{mod_offline, []},
{mod_privacy, []},
{mod_private, []},
{mod_pubsub, [ % requires mod_caps
{access_createnode, pubsub_createnode},
{plugins, ["default", "pep"]}
{mod_register, [
%% After successful registration, the user receives
%% a message with this subject and body.
{welcome_message, {"Welcome!",
"Welcome to this Jabber server."}},

%% When a user registers, send a notification to
%% these Jabber accounts.
%%{registration_watchers, ["admin1@example.org"]},

{access, register}
{mod_roster, []},
%%{mod_stats, []},
{mod_time, []},
[{"NICKNAME", "%u", []},
{"GIVEN", "%s", ["givenName"]},
{"MIDDLE", "%s", ["initials"]},
{"FAMILY", "%s", ["sn"]},
{"FN", "%s", ["displayName"]},
{"EMAIL", "%s", ["mail"]},
{"ORGNAME", "%s", ["company"]},
{"ORGUNIT", "%s", ["department"]},
{"CTRY", "%s", ["c"]},
{"LOCALITY", "%s", ["l"]},
{"STREET", "%s", ["streetAddress"]},
{"REGION", "%s", ["st"]},
{"PCODE", "%s", ["postalCode"]},
{"TITLE", "%s", ["title"]},
{"URL", "%s", ["wWWHomePage"]},
{"DESC", "%s", ["description"]},
{"TEL", "%s", ["telephoneNumber"]}]},
[{"User", "%u"},
{"Name", "givenName"},
{"Family Name", "sn"},
{"Email", "mail"},
{"Company", "company"},
{"Department", "department"},
{"Role", "title"},
{"Description", "description"},
{"Phone", "telephoneNumber"}]},
[{"Full Name", "FN"},
{"Nickname", "NICKNAME"},
{"Email", "EMAIL"}]}
%% MY Done

{mod_vcard, []},
{mod_version, []}

%%% $Id: ejabberd.cfg.example 1073 2007-12-17 11:03:22Z badlop $

%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: erlang
%%% End:
%%% vim: set filetype=erlang tabstop=8:

> I cannot log into web admin

> I cannot log into web admin after I turn on AD integration.

I guess you can't either login with a Jabber client to the server.

> is there a special way I need to register an Admin in the AD.

This line grants admin rights to an account:
{acl, admin, {user, "OVadmin", "ejabber.overture2.com"}}.

Of course you need to create the account in your AD server.

So, when you try to login to the ejabberd WebAdmin:
1. ejabberd asks your AD server if the username exists and the password is valid.
2. AD server should return that the account is valid
3. Then ejabberd verifies if the account has admin rights (to access WebAdmin)

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