mod_shared_roster_ldap ; LDAPResult: timeLimitExceeded

Hi all.

I've configured mod_shared_roster_ldap with flat DIT and it starts to discover the groups and users.
Since we have an really big ldap instance i ran in an timeout error:

=INFO REPORT==== 2011-01-11 10:59:26 ===
D(<0.295.0>:eldap:746) : {searchResEntry,

=INFO REPORT==== 2011-01-11 10:59:26 ===
D(<0.295.0>:eldap:746) : {searchResDone,

Module Config:
{ldap_groupattr, "o"},
{ldap_memberattr, "uid"},
{ldap_userdesc, "cn"}

Where can i configure the timeout limit ?
Regards, Marcus

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