ejabberd 2.0.0 errors while checking status

I have two nodes clustered on gnu-linux for ejabberd 2.0.0

When check the status /sbin/ejabberdctl status
I get two tyeps of errors:

Type I:
{error_logger,{{2011,1,31},{13,58,35}},std_error,"File operation error: eacces. Target: ./user_sup.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server."}
{error_logger,{{2011,1,31},{13,58,35}},std_error,"File operation error: eacces.

Type II:
=ERROR REPORT==== 31-Jan-2011::13:58:35 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./user.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

But if I change my directory to /var/lib/ejabberd
then these errors are not shown.
Please, advise me if it is a configuration issue ?

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