Transfers are slow. Averaging about 1.5 KB/s even though I'm using a gigabit connection

Hi. I'm running ejabberd and am wondering why exactly the server is so slow. I'm wondering what I need to change to get the maximum throughput of the server to the clients, and clients to server. I have tried manipulating traffic shaping but the very best I get is around 1.6 kiloBytes per second. I am running it through a proxy, but even with this I would hope for something greater than one and a half kilobytes. I'm assuming the problem is on my end an not with the software. Originally I would be able to achieve speeds of 0.6k /second ; so this is double the original speed, however it's not what it should be. I should note that structurally everything is fine. There are no broken dependencies and there are no errors to log.

Please help me with this;
Any ideas are much appreciated.


P.S. My goal is to get between 50 and 200 KB/s throughput per user. The network connection is 1 Gigabit/second. Thank you for your help!

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