Error: >Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly

Hello, I am using the XMPP Client to connect to my eJabbered server and the connection works great. I am able to connect and create a user. But if I try to create multiple users within 2-3 minutes, I get the following error:

error code="500" type="wait"
resource-constraint xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"
text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly

Basically, I found out that I am only allowed to register 1 user within 10 minutes from the client that I coded (in C#). So I did some research and found out that I need to put the following into the ejabberd.cfg file:

{access, register, [{allow, all}]}.
{registration_timeout, disabled}.

I did that and that still did not work. I am still only allowed to register 1 user for every 10 minutes from my Visual C# application.

Any ideas? Suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.



From what I can see in the

From what I can see in the source code, the mod_register uses ejabberd_config:get_local_option to get this parameter. And if the resulting value is neither integer nor undefined, then it unconditionally allows registration.

First, make sure that you put your {registration_timeout, disabled}. in the local part of your config.
Second, you could also try to use 0 instead of disabled as the value (however, it would only be useful if the parameter is accessible by the code, i.e. in this node's local part, and the disabled would not work, but that is highly improbable).

Thanks for the reply, I tried

Thanks for the reply, I tried placing 0 and it still waits 10 minutes before allowing the next registration. Any other suggestions?

This is a very old thread and

This is a very old thread and the issue might have been solved but for newbies;
%%{registration_timout, infinity} won't work because it is commented. You need to uncomment it ie remove the %%

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