Bandwidth requirement ?

Hi !

Congratulations for this excellent application !

I just want to know the Bandwidth required for 100 users please (approximatively) ?


Bandwidth depends on usage. Max is 1Kb/s per user

That depends on several things:

  • How active are the users: if they chat a lot or use IM only for important things
  • How big are the rosters: if people have a lot of contacts, there will be a lot of presence messages
  • If they have contacts at other servers
  • If they participate on MUC rooms with a lot of activity

A user with little contacts that change presence every hour or two and chats only a little can consume around 0 bytes/s :) You can define the maximum incoming rate allowed for a user, and the default value is 1 Kb/s.

So, 100 users can consume from 0 Kbytes/s to a maximum of 100 Kbytes/s

Ok, Thanks you very much !

Ok, Thanks you very much !

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