unable to authenticate specific domain through BOSH, although through port 5222 everything works

Hi all,

Sorry if this is a newbie question, but I am unable to find any info regarding this.

I've setup a ejabberd server on my laptop for testing, having configured 2 domains on ejabberd.cfg: localhost and xmpp.myserver.com, both work with xmppclients (pidgin, swift), but only localhost works through BOSH.

xmpp.myserver.com is a fake domain, that i setup in hosts file for in to work.

I've setup several acounts for localhost and xmpp.myserver.com and verified everything to work. I was able to chat between accounts even between the 2 domains.

Next I went to setup BOSH, with strophe.

The problem I found was that i was only able to authenticate the "localhost" domain, not the "myserver.com".

Using the latest build for strophe from GIT, all I get is when authenticating using SCRAM-SHA-1

RECV: <body xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind'><failure xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'><bad-auth/></failure></body>

If i use the lattest stable version from strophejs, the authentication mechanism is still limited to DIGEST-MD5 and the error becomes "not-authorized"

RECV: <body xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/httpbind'><failure xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'><not-authorized/></failure></body>

I've tested with other BOSH clients with similar results.

Any ideas on what may be wrong?

Thanks in advance for any help

UPDATE: I've setup a CNAME


I've setup a CNAME and portforwarding so that my Laptop could serve a existing domain, just to rule out crossdomain troubles.

The problem still remains. Even though the internet only localhost is able to authenticate, "myserver.com" is only working for standard XMPP clients.

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